Hello there.
I would like to propose adding native compatibility for draft/external-reg
ReasonFor IRC servers to indicate to the connecting client, using an ISUPPORT token, that the registration method is external to IRC, presenting a webpage as a parameter.
The service which provides SASL must be responsible for setting the link in the ISUPPORT list.
The client should display a confirmation modal, asking the user if they would like to register via the link.
Afterwards, the client should display a user+pass modal in order for the user to input the details they just entered into the website, in order to save them as SASL credentials for that server.
Concept code:ISUPPORT token is displayed like
![[Linked Image from valware.uk]](https://valware.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Screenshot-from-2022-03-17-13-34-22.png)
RAW *:*:{
%str = $chr(42) LS
if ($1-2 == %str) {
%string = $1-
%i = 0
while (0 == 0) {
tokenize 32 %string
if (external-reg isin $1) {
%extreglink = $gettok($1,2,61)
open_reg_link_dialog $server %link
else {
if (!$2) { break }
%string = $2-
tokenize 32 %string
dialog reg_link_dialog {
title This IRC server is asking to use a webpage to register an account
option dbu
size -1 -1 300 100
text "", 1, 5 5 240 20
text "Only click 'Open' if you trust this server and would like to open the website it's asking you to register on.", 2, 5 20 260 10
text "Would you like to continue and open the webpage?", 6, 5 65 150 14
text "The webpage this server is asking you to visit is:", 4, 5 35 150 10
edit "", 5, 5 45 270 13
button "Open", 10, 100 85 40 10, close
button "Cancel", 11, 160 85 40 10, default close
on *:DIALOG:reglink_*:*:*:{
if ($devent == init) { did -a $dname 1 %reglinknet is asking you to register using a webpage. | did -a $dname 5 %extreglink | did -m $dname 5 }
if ($devent == sclick) && ($did == 10) { run %extreglink | dialog -x $dname }
if ($devent == sclick) && ($did == 11) { dialog -x $dname }
if ($devent == close) { unset %extreglink }
alias open_reg_link_dialog {
if ($server($1).methodpass) { return }
set %reglinknet $1
if ($dialog(reglink_ $+ $1)) { return }
dialog -m reglink_ $+ $1 reg_link_dialog
IMPORTANT:This concept is put into effect, if you would like to demo the functionality using the code and aforementioned server.
So far it does
not contain a modal for inputting credentials.