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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Curious if the issue has ever come up about how the rules for handling the display of /notice messages can have undesirable behavior when applied to the situations where some channels have @Chanserv in their nicklist while others don't. This can result in chanserv interaction going to $comchan(chanserv,1) instead of going to the Status Window where everyone expects it.
I'm wondering if there would be any unintended consequences from ignoring chanserv's presence in a nicklist for purposes of handling chanserv notices when the option isn't checked for showing notices in $active
While there might be other services 'nicks' that can be in chanserv lists, but that's probably limited to "X" and maybe "Q"
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is chanserv directing the notice to a specific channel? ie. /notice #channel?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The incoming ON NOTICE event from chanserv always has $target == $me
I'm describing what I see at libera.chat, but is similar elsewhere chanserv is in nicklist after the owner does:
/chanserv set #channel1 guard on
prior to that, if the active window is the Status Window or is #channel2 while doing "/chanserv help", the chanserv reply appears in Status Window, because like most people I don't have "show in active" checkboxed for 'notice'.
/chanserv help /chanserv info #channel2
However, after chanserv joins the #channel1 nicklist, all the incoming notices from chanserv show in #channel1
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Update: Thanks to KindOne and Raccoon, for helping on this issue https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/264163/channel-notices-in-other-channelsI tried searching for this topic before posting, but the above thread didn't show up for me, and I didn't remember having posted in it. Since I didn't have ChanServ in more than 1 channel, I didn't realize that the behavior of notice was even more unexpected, where if your active window isn't a channel shared with Chanserv, or whoever is the nick sending the notice, the behavior is to repeat the notice across every shared channel window even though only the 1st window is highlighted in the switchbar. I'm thinking that what people are expecting from chanserv notices is for the behavior to be consistent across all networks, and that generally means that the notices always go to the status window A hack that makes the issue to away until the next reboot, or until the next time chanserv 'joins' a channel, is to deceive mIRC into thinking that replies from /chanserv help are no longer coming from someone in your nicklist //if ($comchan(chanserv,1)) parseline -iqtn : $+ $address(ChanServ,5) NICK :ChanservFake
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I could add an exception for specific nicknames, eg. NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, BotServ, HostServ, OperServ, LimitServ to display a notice only in the status window. Is there a way of knowing that a nickname is a service, a way that is consistent across networks?
Also, on some networks, it looks like ChanServ starts some notices with [#channel]. I could make mIRC check for this and only display that notice in that channel?
Last edited by Khaled; 12/02/22 06:01 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I had asked the LIbera admins whether there were any other services nicks besides chanserv that would ever show up in nicklist, and they had claimed no. But I do have some 10 year old logs from a defunct network where limitserv did join the channel, and same for StatServ.
As far as a consistent detection, I'm not sure. There may be something in "/who chanserv" that's useful, but even that isn't completely consisent. The first word in the reply is 'services' at several networks, but at Rizon it's 'service' instead. There's not a consistent network block against normal people having nicks ending with 'serv'.
The only time I've been able to replicate the [#channel] notice is for the /chanserv set #channel entrymsg message goes here, since I don't even see the channel message listed for the lines listing the reply to getting the AOP list for a channel. So definitely the [#channel] should go to the channel window, and that might be an unintended consequence of my faking a nick chance against chanserv.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I am going to add an exception for ChanServ and other service names, for when it is on a common channel, so that notices only go to the status window. This will be in the next beta.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well. At least I won lunch. Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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This is a list I gathered over the years: