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I have tested this in various other irc platforms and it seems to be limited to mirc. I can send a private message, but I cannot see the replies in MIRC. I don't know what to do to fix this. I've used MIRC for probably decades now and I never had this issue. This started happening after the most recent update, but I don't know what changed. Would could be blocking private messages to me? Thanks for any help in advance! Troy
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Pan-dimensional mouse
Pan-dimensional mouse
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Could be a setting.
Tools -> Options -> Other -> Lock -> Disabled: [ ] Chat / Query
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Not seeing query window messages can be affected by several things. Some to try: (1) check if you have an ignore list setting which blocks -p type activity: /ignore -l (2) see if it still happens when you disable remote events: /remote off (be sure to re-enable them with: /remote on ) (3) put this alias in your alt+D aliases window:
debuggvm { !window -ze2Dj5000k @debug | !titlebar @debug active= $+ $~scid($~window(@debug).cid).network logging: $~addtok($~gettok($~window(@debug).titlebar,3-,32),$~network,32) | !debug -pir44o52 @debug $!+([,$~time,.,$~right($~ticks,3),],[,$~cid,],[,$~network,] $~!1 ) } ; Raccoon's altered by maroon v7.52+
After you then type /debuggvm it will start showing the server in/out traffic at whichever network you typed that. If you type it at each of your networks, and then place that command in your perform-on-connect, it will have a window which shows all traffic for all networks in the 1 window. Do the incoming queries show up there? (4) You didn't say whether you tried this with several networks. There might be attempts by some networks to protect users from spam, so they can have usermodes applied by default which block private queries from unregistered users or other classes of nicks. (5) Assuming you are not seeing a message when another mIRC user does "/msg yournick test", are you able to see other activity like: /notice yournick test if you're unable to see someone doing "/dcc chat yournick" or are unable to establish that as an outbound connection, that could be affected by router port-forwarding settings which could also block dcc send of files.
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Nothing disable there. Thank you for this troubleshooting! Could be a setting.
Tools -> Options -> Other -> Lock -> Disabled: [ ] Chat / Query
Last edited by VeganGaymer; 09/03/21 08:46 PM.
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Not seeing query window messages can be affected by several things. Some to try:
(1) check if you have an ignore list setting which blocks -p type activity: /ignore -l All clear (2) see if it still happens when you disable remote events: /remote off (be sure to re-enable them with: /remote on ) Nothing changed (3) put this alias in your alt+D aliases window:
debuggvm { !window -ze2Dj5000k @debug | !titlebar @debug active= $+ $~scid($~window(@debug).cid).network logging: $~addtok($~gettok($~window(@debug).titlebar,3-,32),$~network,32) | !debug -pir44o52 @debug $!+([,$~time,.,$~right($~ticks,3),],[,$~cid,],[,$~network,] $~!1 ) } ; Raccoon's altered by maroon v7.52+
After you then type /debuggvm it will start showing the server in/out traffic at whichever network you typed that. If you type it at each of your networks, and then place that command in your perform-on-connect, it will have a window which shows all traffic for all networks in the 1 window. Do the incoming queries show up there? Everything shows except private messages (4) You didn't say whether you tried this with several networks. There might be attempts by some networks to protect users from spam, so they can have usermodes applied by default which block private queries from unregistered users or other classes of nicks. I did try on other networks. Nothing changed. It seems specific to my installation of mirc. It works fine if I am in a browser chat or use a different client like HEX. (5) Assuming you are not seeing a message when another mIRC user does "/msg yournick test", are you able to see other activity like:
/notice yournick test
if you're unable to see someone doing "/dcc chat yournick" or are unable to establish that as an outbound connection, that could be affected by router port-forwarding settings which could also block dcc send of files.
The /notice doesn't show up anywhere either. I don't use dcc so I don't think that would be an issue? The debug only shows my outgoing messages and general messages, but all incoming private are not received. Thank you for all of these troubleshooting tips! I learned some new things! But, alas, my problem remains. I can't figure it out.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you used the /debug command to show traffic and nothing shows up for private message, then it means the server is not sending anything somehow, or that you have a script conflicting, but that's unlikely.
You say it's related to your installation, if you create a new folder, put a blank mirc.ini file in it, and a copy of your mirc.exe file, and run that mirc.exe in the new folder, can you see private message?
#mircscripting @ irc.swiftirc.net == the best mIRC help channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hard to troubleshoot by mail, but the only significant thing I see from your replies is that it's not just query messages being blocked, but also notices, which means that probably /ctcp is blocked too. https://freenode.net/kb/answer/usermodes shows 2 possible modes that can be on users which can affect this. +g blocks queries from other users until you accept them onto a list, but it should trigger a server message that so-and-so wants to message you, and you would've seen that. The +R keeps you blind to queries from those who haven't identified to services. Your user modes (not same as channel modes like +o for @op) show in your status window, and you can also see them from: //echo -a $usermode When you send them to yourself, are they blocked too? i.e. //query $me | msg $me test ... should show your message twice, once from what you type, and the other from the server sending it back to you i.e. //notice $me test or //ctcp $me version You can test if your program got somehow corrupted during install, where this should say ok: //echo -a $file($mircexe).sig You can come visit ##mirc at freenode and see if someone there has any other things to try
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@Maroon, I am getting "no such nick" when I try to message myself using the commands you suggested. What do you think that means?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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it either means you didn't paste exactly what I showed, or you have a script which created aliases for the ctcp, notice, and msg commands. These go in the status window or the editbox of any channel. I changed them slightly to defend against the chance you have aliases for built-in commands
//!query $me | !msg $me test
//!notice $me test
//!ctcp $me test
//!echo -a $file($mircexe).sig