Sorry for no respond. I have all my scripts working now. It includes subscriber train as well. It's messy but I sorted it.
But it still triggers the script when someone subs/uses twitch prime, I mean it sends a message to the chat even when streamer is hosting other streamer.
"RawraSaurusRaptor just subscribed to djarii!" but Rawra subscribed to her (djarii), not to the one who hosted her.
As the image shows:

I keep many channels open for script runs but I have closed mIRC every time when all streamers has gone to offline (the ones who I have scripts running)
It is same problem with giving bonus currencies, even when streamer is offline but hosting some streamer. I am using same script but edited to give bonus currencies, "!bonus $1 75"
Here's code,
on *:text:*just subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME: {
if ($nick == twitchnotify) {
inc -u120 %spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2) {
msg $chan DOUBLE SUB HYPE!!!! $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 3) {
msg $chan TRIPLE SUB!!!! SUB TRAIN!!!! CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 4) {
msg $chan THE QUADDDD!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) {
msg $chan PENTASUBBB!!!! DAT SUB TRAIINN CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 6) {
msg $chan 6 SUBS! Dat Sub Train Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7) {
msg $chan 7 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 8) {
msg $chan 8 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 9) {
msg $chan 9 SUBS! OMGWTF Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!
elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 10) {
msg $chan 10 SUBS!!!!! Sub Train has reached it's destination!!!! ~ $1 just subbed!!
set %spam.sub 0
else {
var %item = $rand(1,5)
if (%item == 1) msg $chan $1 subscribed!!! $+
if (%item == 2) msg $chan NEW SUB: $1 $+ !!! $+
if (%item == 3) msg $chan Thanks for subscribing, $1 $+ !!! $+
if (%item == 4) msg $chan SUB HYPE!!! $1 just subscribed!!! $+
if (%item == 5) msg $chan WELCOME $1 $+ !!! $+