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Posted By: Bestpeff (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 12:21 AM
Having people who subscribe with their free Amazon Prime sub doesn't seem to active any subscriber script, fix to this at all?
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 12:49 AM
i made a post about this already, post your code, not sure what your script is looking at.
Posted By: Bestpeff Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 01:00 AM
on *:LOGON:*:{
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands
  /debug @raw

on 1:TEXT:*subscribed*:#mlgjrated:{
  if ( $nick == twitchnotify ) && ($istok($1-,subscribed to,32)) { halt }
  elseif ($nick == twitchnotify) && ( $4 == $null ) { describe $chan jrateLove $1 has just subscribed!! jrateHype }

  if (($msgtags(msg-id).key == resub) && ($1 == #mlgjrated)) {
    var %nick $iif($msgtags(display-name).key, $v1, $msgtags(login).key)
    if ($0 == 1) {
      describe $1 jrateLove %nick has just subscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row! jrateHype
    else {
      describe $1 jrateLove %nick has just subscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row! jrateHype Message: $qt($2-)
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 01:49 AM
Change this part to:

on 1:TEXT:*subscribed*:#mlgjrated:{
  if ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    describe $chan jrateLove $1 has just subscribed!! jrateHype 

There's probably a better way to do it, but this will work 100%.
Posted By: Bestpeff Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 02:33 AM
Thank you for the help as always @keyeslol, always appreciate it
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 06:12 PM
One small change so it doesn't count xx people resubscribed message when you start streaming:

on 1:TEXT:*just subscribed*:#mlgjrated:{
  if ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    describe $chan jrateLove $1 has just subscribed!! jrateHype 

Should be good to go now.
Posted By: Pie Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 02/10/16 07:23 PM
on 1:TEXT:*just subscribed*:#mlgjrated:{
  if ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    describe $chan jrateLove $1 has just subscribed!! jrateHype 

If i were to create something that thanks just the Prime subs, I change "on 1:TEXT:*just subscribed*:#" to "on 1:TEXT:*prime*:#" but then the entire thing doesn't work.

Any ideas why? Doesn't really make sense to me.
Posted By: Pie Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 03/10/16 04:29 AM
Nevermind, I have tried the following:

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($nick == twitchnotify && *with* iswm $1-) { 
    describe # • $1 Subscribed with Twitch Prime PrimeMe  

And this works fine now. Don't really see why this is different then what i originally tried.
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 03/10/16 11:44 AM

this works well but it still gives currency bonuses when streamer is hosting other streamer. So I am after that it does not give bonus currencies when it is in hosting mode. Any ideas?

on *:LOGON:*:{
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags
  raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands
  /debug @raw

on 1:TEXT:*subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME:{
  if ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    msg $chan !bonus $1 75 
Posted By: Pie Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 03/10/16 11:49 AM
Try this, Furiny.

on 1:TEXT:*subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME:{
  if ($chan == #CHANNELNAME && $nick == twitchnotify) { 
    msg $chan !bonus $1 75 
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 03/10/16 12:01 PM
Thanks, I'll try it when they going live again until then no tests available. smile
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 04/10/16 03:40 PM

It tried to give currencies to "10" nickname, even though it was not Live. I think Twitch Prime is now f***ing with basic Subscribers. mad

Before Twitch Primes came, I used this and worked very well and perfect:

on 1:connect: { raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership }

on 1:text:*subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME:{
  if ( $nick == twitchnotify ) && ($istok($1-,subscribed to,32)) halt
  elseif ($nick == twitchnotify) && ( $4 == $null ) { describe $chan WELCOME, $1!  }
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 05/10/16 01:40 PM
Should this work? Used old script of basic subscribers but edited to prime version, on text prime and in the coding "subscribed with".

on 1:text:*prime*:#CHANNELNAME:{
  if ( $nick == twitchnotify ) && ($istok($1-,subscribed with,32)) halt
  elseif ($nick == twitchnotify) && ( $4 == $null ) { msg $chan !bonus $1 100 }
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 06/10/16 04:17 PM
Nevermind, it does not.. It gives double to basic new subscribers. -_- I wish Twitch Prime never was created!
Posted By: Bestpeff Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 06/10/16 07:51 PM
@Furiny, I'm just wondering, but what was the problem with the script that was posted up above?
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 06/10/16 10:38 PM
@Bestpeff It does not send message in chat when somebody uses Twitch Prime to subscribe. :-/ I have been doing many different coding, still don't get it working well.
Posted By: Bestpeff Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 09/10/16 06:10 AM
@Furiny, please paste your script
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 10/10/16 08:44 PM
I'm confused, doesn't Pie's code work for you Furiny?

The reason your code (the last one you posted) doesn't work is because $4 is not $null. If you echo it, you will see it will hold a value of "with".
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 12/10/16 11:42 PM

Sorry for no respond. I have all my scripts working now. It includes subscriber train as well. It's messy but I sorted it. laugh
But it still triggers the script when someone subs/uses twitch prime, I mean it sends a message to the chat even when streamer is hosting other streamer.

"RawraSaurusRaptor just subscribed to djarii!" but Rawra subscribed to her (djarii), not to the one who hosted her.

As the image shows:

I keep many channels open for script runs but I have closed mIRC every time when all streamers has gone to offline (the ones who I have scripts running)

It is same problem with giving bonus currencies, even when streamer is offline but hosting some streamer. I am using same script but edited to give bonus currencies, "!bonus $1 75"

Here's code,
on *:text:*just subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME: { 
  if ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    inc -u120 %spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2) {
      msg $chan   DOUBLE SUB HYPE!!!! $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 3) {
      msg $chan   TRIPLE SUB!!!! SUB TRAIN!!!! CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 4) {
      msg $chan   THE QUADDDD!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) {
      msg $chan   PENTASUBBB!!!! DAT SUB TRAIINN CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 6) {
      msg $chan   6 SUBS! Dat Sub Train Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7) {
      msg $chan   7 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 8) {
      msg $chan   8 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 9) {
      msg $chan   9 SUBS! OMGWTF Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 10) {
      msg $chan   10 SUBS!!!!! Sub Train has reached it's destination!!!! ~ $1 just subbed!!   
      set %spam.sub 0
    else {
      var %item = $rand(1,5)
      if (%item == 1) msg $chan   $1 subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 2) msg $chan   NEW SUB: $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 3) msg $chan   Thanks for subscribing, $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 4) msg $chan   SUB HYPE!!! $1 just subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 5) msg $chan   WELCOME $1 $+ !!!    $+
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 13/10/16 09:07 PM
You should be checking channel name as well.

on *:text:*just subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME: { 
  if  ($chan == #CHANNELNAME && ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    inc -u120 %spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2) {
      msg $chan   DOUBLE SUB HYPE!!!! $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 3) {
      msg $chan   TRIPLE SUB!!!! SUB TRAIN!!!! CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 4) {
      msg $chan   THE QUADDDD!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) {
      msg $chan   PENTASUBBB!!!! DAT SUB TRAIINN CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 6) {
      msg $chan   6 SUBS! Dat Sub Train Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7) {
      msg $chan   7 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 8) {
      msg $chan   8 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 9) {
      msg $chan   9 SUBS! OMGWTF Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 10) {
      msg $chan   10 SUBS!!!!! Sub Train has reached it's destination!!!! ~ $1 just subbed!!   
      set %spam.sub 0
    else {
      var %item = $rand(1,5)
      if (%item == 1) msg $chan   $1 subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 2) msg $chan   NEW SUB: $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 3) msg $chan   Thanks for subscribing, $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 4) msg $chan   SUB HYPE!!! $1 just subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 5) msg $chan   WELCOME $1 $+ !!!    $+
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 14/10/16 06:24 PM

Oh, I see - I missed that. Thank you. smile
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 15/10/16 09:30 PM

I updated to:
on *:text:*just subscribed*:#CHANNELNAME: { 
  if  ($chan == #CHANNELNAME && ($nick == twitchnotify) { 
    inc -u120 %spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2) {
      msg $chan   DOUBLE SUB HYPE!!!! $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 3) {
      msg $chan   TRIPLE SUB!!!! SUB TRAIN!!!! CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 4) {
      msg $chan   THE QUADDDD!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5) {
      msg $chan   PENTASUBBB!!!! DAT SUB TRAIINN CHOO CHOO ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 6) {
      msg $chan   6 SUBS! Dat Sub Train Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7) {
      msg $chan   7 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 8) {
      msg $chan   8 SUBS! GOGOGOGOGO!!! Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 9) {
      msg $chan   9 SUBS! OMGWTF Kreygasm ~ $1 just subbed!!   
    elseif (%spam.sub [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 10) {
      msg $chan   10 SUBS!!!!! Sub Train has reached it's destination!!!! ~ $1 just subbed!!   
      set %spam.sub 0
    else {
      var %item = $rand(1,5)
      if (%item == 1) msg $chan   $1 subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 2) msg $chan   NEW SUB: $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 3) msg $chan   Thanks for subscribing, $1 $+ !!!    $+
      if (%item == 4) msg $chan   SUB HYPE!!! $1 just subscribed!!!    $+
      if (%item == 5) msg $chan   WELCOME $1 $+ !!!    $+

But problem is that it doesn't send message anymore. It did work before with "if ($nick == twitchnotify)" until I added "if ($chan == #CHANNELNAME && ($nick == twitchnotify)".

Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 15/10/16 09:42 PM
on 1:text:*just subscribed*:#keyeslol: { 
  if  ($chan == #keyeslol && ($nick == twitchnotify)

I have this running in a channel and it works 100%.
Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 15/10/16 10:32 PM
Originally Posted By: keyeslol
on 1:text:*just subscribed*:#keyeslol: { 
  if  ($chan == #keyeslol && ($nick == twitchnotify)

I have this running in a channel and it works 100%.

Weird... Still no message from me. But don't you miss one )? If there's two (

Posted By: Furiny Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 16/10/16 12:24 AM
As I guessed, I added ) to the code and it worked.

if  ($chan == #sco && ($nick == twitchnotify))
Posted By: keyeslol Re: (Twitch) Amazon Prime free subs.... - 16/10/16 02:06 AM
this is why i shouldnt code without coffee. I missed some ).

($chan == #sco) && ($nick == twitchnotify))
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