I can imagine, coin/point scripts are really annoying for you guys

But i have a big problem.. my script dont work fine - i use it to give everyone who is registerd at my chat bot coins per min. and ppl who are in a special .ini file getting more coins! -
sometimes its working, sometimes not - the timer is just sometimes not starting for some users, sometimes users who should get +50 only get +10... and i dont know why, perhaps because my bad scripting skills!
on !*:join:#:{
if ($readini(users.ini,$nick,Money) == $null) { return }
if ($readini(specialusers.ini,$chan,$nick)) { $+(.timerpoints.,$nick) 0 30 add.pts2 $+($nick) }
else { $+(.timerpoints.,$nick) 0 30 add.pts $+($nick) }
on !*:part:#:{ $+(.timerpoints.,$nick) off }
alias -l add.pts { /writeini -n users.ini $1 Money $calc($readini(users.ini,$1,Money) + 10) }
alias -l add.pts2 { /writeini -n users.ini $1 Money $calc($readini(users.ini,$1,Money) + 50) }
Can someone improve this script? and tell me what i could do better Would be very nice.Strange thing is: i have written a !text command who execute it for a user ($2 ex. !coinstart Username) and THEN its working 100%...