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#243883 06/01/14 07:11 PM
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 22
Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
Joined: Aug 2013
Posts: 22
So I been trying to get the !trivia as a mod only command but every time if I put a if statement you have to be a mod where it should be it break the code... can anyone help me out please?
menu * {
on *:load:{
  write missed.txt Sorry guys, but you got it wrong!
  write missed.txt Aww cmon guys!
  write missed.txt You guys suck!
  write missed.txt I can't believe you got it wrong!
  write missed.txt You guys are miserable at this!
  hadd -m trivia strivia ison
  var %x = $input(Who would you like to set as your owner?,qe,Bot Owner)
  if (%x != $null) hadd -m trivia owner %x
  else goto start
  var %y = $input(What channel would you like trivia to be for?,qe,Trivia Channel)
  if ($left(%y,1) == $chr(35)) hadd -m trivia chan %y
  else goto chan
on *:unload:{
  if ($isfile(reports.ini)) .remove -b reports.ini
  if ($isfile(questions.ini)) .remove -b questions.ini
  if ($isfile(scores.ini)) .remove -b scores.ini
  if ($isfile(missed.txt)) .remove -b missed.txt
  if ($hget(scores)) hfree $v1
  if ($hget(reports)) hfree $v1
  if ($hget(questions)) hfree $v1
  unset %streak*
  unset %wrong
  if ($hget(trivia)) hfree $v1
  .timertriv* off
on *:kick:#:{
  if ($knick == $me && $chan == $hget(trivia,chan)) {
    hadd -m trivia status off
    hdel trivia answer
    hdel trivia time
    .timertriv* off
    unset %streak*
    unset %wrong
on *:start:{
  if (!$hget(scores)) hmake scores
  if (!$hget(reports)) hmake reports
  if (!$hget(questions)) hmake questions
  hload -i reports reports.ini
  hload -i questions questions.ini
  hload -i scores scores.ini
  if (!$hget(trivia)) hmake trivia
  hload -i trivia trivia.ini
  if (!$hget(trivia,owner)) {
    var %x = $input(Who would you like to set as your owner?,qe,Bot Owner)
    if (%x != $null) hadd -m trivia owner %x
    else goto start
on *:join:#:{
  if ($chan == $hget(trivia,chan) && $nick == $me) {
    if ($dialog(trivia)) {
      did -e trivia 9
      did -b trivia 10
on *:part:#:{
  if ($nick == $me && $chan == $hget(trivia,chan)) {
    if ($dialog(trivia)) {
      did -e trivia 9
      did -b trivia 10,9
    hadd -m trivia status off
    hdel trivia answer
    hdel trivia time
    .timertriv* off
    unset %streak*
    unset %wrong
on *:exit:{
  hsave -i trivia trivia.ini
  hsave -i scores scores.ini
  hsave -i reports reports.ini
  hsave -i questions questions.ini
on *:connect: if ($dialog(trivia)) did -e trivia 9
on *:disconnect:{
  hadd -m trivia status off
  hdel trivia answer
  hdel trivia time
  .timertriv* off
  unset %streak*
  unset %wrong
  if ($dialog(trivia)) did -b trivia 10,9
on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($chan == $hget(trivia,chan)) {

    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:trivia|start|triv(?:on|start))$/Si)) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) != on) {
        hadd -m trivia status on
        .msg $chan $+( Trivia has been started by  $nick, !)
        .timertrivnew 1 2 new
        if ($dialog(trivia)) {
          did -b trivia 9
          did -e trivia 10

      else .msg $chan  Trivia is already  on  $+ !
    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:strivia|stop|triv(?:off|stop))$/Si)) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) == on) {
        if ($nick $hgeT(trivia,strivia) $chan) {
          hadd -m trivia status off
          hdel trivia answer
          hdel trivia time
          .timertriv* off
          unset %streak*
          .msg $chan  Trivia has been stopped by  $nick $+  !
          if ($dialog(trivia)) {
            did -b trivia 10
            did -e trivia 9
        else .msg $chan you dont have access to that command
      else .msg $chan  Trivia is already  off  $+ !
    if ($strip($1-) == $hget(trivia,answer)) {
      unset %wrong
      var %time = $calc($calc($ticks - $hget(trivia,time)) / 1000)
      var %a = %streak [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      unset %streak*
      set %streak [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%a + 1)
      hdel trivia answer
      .timertriv* off
      hinc -m scores $nick
      .msg $chan $+( ,$gettok(Way to go|That's the way|Wahoo|You got it,$r(1,4),124),$chr(32), ,$nick, !) The answer was  $strip($1-) $+  ! You got it in  %time  seconds! Your streak is  %streak [ $+ [ $nick ] ]  questions!(next question in 60 secs)
      if ($dialog(trivia) && $did(trivia,14).seltext == $nick) did -ra trivia 15 $hget(scores,$nick) Points
      .timertrivrightnew 1 100 new
    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:top(ten|score(s)?|10)?|scores)$/Si)) top10
    if ($1 == !score) {
      if ($2) {
        if (*has no rank yet !iswm $rank($2)) {
          .msg $chan   $+ $2  is ranked  $rank($2)  out of  $hget(scores,0).item  with  $score($2)  points!
        else .msg $chan   $+ $2  isn't currently ranked.
      else {
        if (*has no rank yet !iswm $rank($nick)) {
          .msg $chan  You  are ranked  $rank($nick)  out of  $hget(scores,0).item  with  $score($nick)  points!
        else .msg $chan  You  aren't currently ranked.
    if ($1 == !report) {
      if ($2 <= $hget(questions,0).item && $3) {
        var %x = $hget(questions,$2)
        var %y = 1
        var %z = $hget(reports,1).item
        while $hgeT(reports,%y).item {
          if ($v1 > %z) var %z = $v1
          inc %y
        hadd -m reports $calc(%z + 1) $gettok(%x,1,1) $chr(1) $3-
        .msg $chan  Thanks  $nick $+   $+ $chr(44),   $hgeT(trivia,owner)  will read your report shortly.
        if ($dialog(trivia)) {
          did -r trivia 51
          var %x = 1
          while $hget(reports,%x).item {
            did -a trivia 51 $gettok($hget(reports,$v1),1,1)
            inc %x
          did -z trivia 51
      else .msg $chan  Syntax : !report < ques # > < problem >
    if ($1 == !questions) .msg $chan  There are currently  $hget(questions,0).item  questions.
    if ($1 == !give) {
      if ($nick == $hget(trivia,owner)) {
        if ($3 isnum) {
          if (!$hget(scores,$2) && $dialog(trivia)) { did -a trivia 14 $2 | did -z trivia 14 }
          hadd -m scores $2 $3
          .msg $chan   $+ $2  now has  $score($2)  points.
          if ($dialog(trivia) && $did(trivia,14).seltext == $2) did -ra trivia 15 $3 Points
        else .msg $chan  Syntax:  !give < nick > < points >
      else .msg $chan  I don't believe you're  $hget(trivia,owner) $+  .
    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:triv(ia)?(?:help)|help)$/Si)) {
      .notice $nick ~*~Trivia Commands~*~
      .notice $nick !trivia ~ Starts trivia
      .notice $nick !strivia ~ Stops trivia $iif($hget(trivia,strivia) != ison,if you are) $iif($hget(trivia,strivia) == isop,op'd) $iif($hget(trivia,strivia) == isvoice,voiced)
      .notice $nick !score ~ Returns your rank and score
      .notice $nick !score <nick> ~ Returns <nick>'s rank and score
      .notice $nick !report <ques #> <problem> ~ report a question
      .notice $nick !trivhelp ~ Returns trivia help (this)
      .notice $nick !questions ~ Returns tumber of trivia questions
      .notice $nick !top10 ~ Returns top 10 scores
      if ($nick == $hget(trivia,owner)) .notice $nick !give <nick> <points> ~ Give someone points
alias -l new {
  var %chan = $hget(trivia,chan)
  var %total = $hget(questions,0).item
  var %number = $hget(questions,$r(1,%total)).item
  noop $regex($hget(questions,%number),/^(.+)(.+)(.+)(.+)$/i)
  hdel trivia answer
  hadd -m trivia answer $regml(4)
  .msg %chan $+( ~ * ~ Question  %number, / ,$hget(questions,0).item, ~ * ~)
  .msg %chan   $+ $regml(1)
  hadd -m trivia time $ticks
  .timertrivhint1 1 2 .msg %chan  Hint: $regml(2)
  .timertrivhint2 1 60 .msg %chan  Hint: $regml(3)
  .timertrivwrong 1 120 wrong
alias wrong {
  inc %wrong
  if (%wrong >= $hget(trivia,wrong)) {
    hadd -m trivia status off
    hdel trivia answer
    hdel trivia time
    .timertriv* off
    unset %streak*
    .msg $hget(trivia,chan)   %wrong  questions have gone by unanswered! Trivia has been stopped by  $me $+  !
    unset %wrong
    if ($dialog(trivia)) {
      did -b trivia 10
      did -e trivia 9
  else {
    .msg $hget(trivia,chan)   $+ $read(missed.txt) Get ready for the next question...
    ;if you want it to msg the answer, use the line below instead
    ;.msg $hget(trivia,chan)  The answer was  $hget(trivia,answer) $+  ! Get ready for the next question...
    unset %streak*
    .timertrivnewfromwrong 1 2 new
alias -l top10 {
  var %d = 1, %w = @top10
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while $hget(scores,%d).item {
    aline %w $v1 $hget(scores,$v1)
    inc %d
  filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
  var %k = 1, %k1
  while %k <= 10  {
    if ( $line(%w,%k) ) {
      tokenize 32 $v1
      if (%k == 1) var %x = $addtok(%x,  $+ $1 ~ $hget(scores,$1),44)
      if (%k == 2) var %x = $addtok(%x,  $+ $1 ~ $hget(scores,$1),44)
      if (%k == 3) var %x = $addtok(%x,  $+ $1 ~ $hget(scores,$1),44)
      elseif (%k isnum 4-10) var %x = $addtok(%x,  $+ $1 ~ $hget(scores,$1),44)
    inc %k
  .msg $hget(trivia,chan) $iif($line(%w,1),$replace(%x,$chr(44),$chr(44) $chr(32))%x, There are no high scores.)
alias -l rank {
  var %d = 1, %w = @top10, %n = $$1
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while $hget(scores,%d).item {
    aline %w $v1 $hget(scores,$v1)
    inc %d
  filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
  return $iif($fline(%w,%n *,1),$ord($v1),$1 has no rank yet)
alias -l score {
  var %d = 1, %w = @top10, %n = $$1
  window -hn %w
  clear %w
  while $hget(scores,%d).item {
    aline %w $v1 $hget(scores,$v1)
    inc %d
  filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
  return $iif($fline(%w,%n *,1),$gettok($line(%w,$v1),2,32),$1 has no score yet)
alias -l behind {
  if ($isid) {
    var %d = 1, %w = @top5, %n = $$1
    window -hn %w
    clear %w
    while $hget(scores,%d).item {
      aline %w $v1 $hget(scores,$v1)
      inc %d
    filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
    return $iif($gettok($line(%w,$calc($fline(%w,%n *,1) - 1)),1,32) != 3,$v1,first)
alias -l first {
  if ($isid) {
    var %d = 1, %w = @top5
    window -hn %w
    clear %w
    while $hget(scores,%d).item {
      aline %w $v1 $hget(scores,$v1)
      inc %d
    filter -cteuww 2 32 %w %w
    return $iif($line(%w,1),$gettok($line(%w,2),1,32),error)
dialog trivia {
  title "Trivia"
  size -1 -1 136 203
  option dbu
  tab "Settings", 1, 2 -1 132 201
  box "!Strivia Command", 5, 7 52 58 60, tab 1
  radio "Op", 6, 16 62 22 10, tab 1
  radio "Voice", 7, 16 77 25 10, tab 1
  radio "All Users", 8, 16 92 34 10, tab 1
  button "Start Trivia", 9, 26 30 37 12, disable tab 1
  button "Stop Trivia", 10, 65 30 37 12, disable tab 1
  box "Trivia Status", 12, 23 20 83 26, tab 1
  text "Owner:", 43, 10 125 19 8, tab 1
  edit "", 44, 32 124 74 10, tab 1 read autohs
  button "Edit", 45, 109 125 15 8, tab 1
  text "Channel:", 46, 10 139 23 8, tab 1
  edit "", 47, 32 138 74 10, tab 1 read autohs
  button "Edit", 48, 109 139 15 8, tab 1
  box "", 49, 7 117 121 35, tab 1
  box "Stop After N Wrong", 54, 70 52 58 60, tab 1
  radio "5 Questions", 55, 76 60 50 10, tab 1
  radio "10 Questions", 56, 76 71 50 10, tab 1
  radio "15 Questions", 57, 76 81 50 10, tab 1
  radio "20 Questions", 58, 76 91 50 10, tab 1
  radio "Unlimited", 59, 76 101 50 10, tab 1
  edit "", 60, 10 165 98 10, tab 1
  box "Add Missed Question Response", 62, 7 157 121 21, tab 1
  button "Add", 61, 109 165 15 8, disable tab 1
  tab "Reports", 2
  edit "", 50, 7 121 123 10, tab 2 read autohs
  list 51, 6 23 123 84, tab 2 sort size hsbar
  box "Reported Questions", 52, 4 15 127 94, tab 2
  box "Functions", 66, 16 144 98 20, tab 2
  button "Clear", 67, 50 152 30 10, disable tab 2
  button "Remove", 68, 20 152 30 10, disable tab 2
  button "Fix", 22, 80 152 30 10, disable tab 2
  box "Problem", 53, 5 113 127 20, tab 2
  tab "Questions", 3
  list 23, 6 23 123 84, tab 3 sort size hsbar
  button "Add *.txt", 24, 7 169 30 10, tab 3
  button "Add", 25, 37 169 30 10, tab 3
  button "Clear", 26, 97 169 30 10, disable tab 3
  button "Remove", 27, 67 169 30 10, disable tab 3
  box "Functions", 28, 5 161 124 20, tab 3
  box "Questions", 29, 4 15 127 94, tab 3
  edit "", 30, 30 136 82 10, tab 3 read autohs
  text "Hint 1:", 33, 6 126 18 8, tab 3
  edit "", 32, 30 147 82 10, tab 3 read autohs
  edit "", 31, 30 125 82 10, tab 3 read autohs
  text "Hint 2:", 35, 6 138 18 8, tab 3
  text "Answer:", 34, 6 148 22 8, tab 3
  box "", 36, 4 109 127 50, tab 3
  button "Edit", 37, 113 137 15 8, disable tab 3
  button "Edit", 39, 113 148 15 8, disable tab 3
  button "Edit", 38, 113 126 15 8, disable tab 3
  text "Question:", 40, 6 115 25 8, tab 3
  edit "", 41, 30 114 82 10, tab 3 read autohs
  button "Edit", 42, 113 115 15 8, disable tab 3
  tab "Scores", 4
  box "Scores", 13, 6 17 53 155, tab 4
  list 14, 9 25 47 144, tab 4 sort size hsbar
  edit "", 15, 66 136 59 10, tab 4 read autohs
  box "Score", 16, 64 128 64 21, tab 4
  button "Edit", 17, 75 78 37 12, disable tab 4
  button "Add", 18, 75 38 37 12, tab 4
  button "Remove", 19, 75 58 37 12, disable tab 4
  button "Clear", 20, 75 98 37 12, disable tab 4
  box "Functions", 21, 72 27 44 88, tab 4
  button "OK", 11, 48 185 37 12, ok cancel
alias trivia {
  if ($dialog(trivia)) dialog -x trivia trivia
  dialog -m trivia trivia
on *:dialog:trivia:*:*:{
  var %chan = $hgeT(trivia,chan)
  if ($devent == init) {
    if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 5) did -c trivia 55
    if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 10) did -c trivia 56
    if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 15) did -c trivia 57
    if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 20) did -c trivia 58
    if ($hget(trivia,wrong) !isnum) did -c trivia 59
    if ($hget(reports,1).item) did -e trivia 67
    did -a trivia 44 $hget(trivia,owner)
    if ($hget(reports)) {
      var %asdf = 1
      while $hget(reports,%asdf).item {
        did -a trivia 51 $gettok($hget(reports,$v1),1,1)
        inc %asdf
      did -z trivia 51
    did -a trivia 47 $hget(trivia,chan)
    if ($hget(questions,1).item) did -e trivia 26
    var %s = 1
    while $hgeT(questions,%s).item {
      did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
      inc %s
    did -z trivia 23
    if ($hget(trivia,status) == on) did -e trivia 10
    else did -e trivia 9
    var %x = 1
    while $hget(scores,%x).item {
      did -a trivia 14 $v1
      inc %x
    did -z trivia 14
    if ($hgeT(scores)) did -e trivia 20
    if (!$server) did -b trivia 9,10
    if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == isvoice) did -c trivia 7
    if ($hgeT(trivia,strivia) == isop) did -c trivia 6
    if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == ison || !$v1) { 
      did -c trivia 8 
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 9) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) != on) {
        hadd -m trivia status on
        did -b trivia 9
        did -e trivia 10
        .msg %chan $+( Trivia has been started by  $me, !)
        .timertrivnew 1 2 new
    if ($did == 10) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) == on) {
        hadd -m trivia status off
        hdel trivia answer
        hdel trivia time
        did -e trivia 9
        did -b trivia 10
        .timertriv* off
        unset %streak*
        .msg %chan  Trivia has been stopped by  $me $+  !
    if ($did == 14 && $diD(trivia,14).seltext != $null) {
      did -ra trivia 15 $hget(scores,$did(trivia,14).seltext) Points
      did -e trivia 19,17
    if ($did isnum 6-8) {
      if ($did == 6) hadd -m trivia strivia isop
      if ($did == 7) hadd -m trivia strivia isvoice
      if ($did == 8) hadd -m trivia strivia ison
      if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 5) did -c trivia 55
      if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 10) did -c trivia 56
      if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 15) did -c trivia 57
      if ($hget(trivia,wrong) == 20) did -c trivia 58
      if ($hget(trivia,wrong) !isnum) did -c trivia 59
    if ($did == 20) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you would like to erase all scores?,cy,Clear All Scores)
      if (%x == $true) {
        hfree scores
        did -r trivia 14,15
        did -b trivia 20,17,19
        .msg %chan  All  scores cleared.
    if ($did == 19) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you would like to erase $did(trivia,14).seltext $+ 's score?,cy,Clear $did(trivia,14).seltext $+ 's Score)
      if (%x == $true) {
        .msg %chan   $+ $did(trivia,14).seltext $+ 's  score has been  cleared .
        hdel scores $did(trivia,14).seltext
        did -r trivia 15,14
        did -b trivia 17,19,20
        var %y = 1
        while $hgeT(scores,%y).item {
          did -a trivia 14 $v1
          inc %y
        did -z trivia 14
        if ($hget(scores,1).item) did -e trivia 20
    if ($did == 18) {
      var %x = $input(Who would you like to add to the score list?,qe,Adding Score)
      if (%x != $null) {
        if ($numtok(%x,32) == 1) {
          var %y = $input(What would you like %x $+ 's score to be?,qe,%x $+ 's Score)
          if (%y isnum && %y) {
            hadd -m scores %x %y
            .msg %chan   $+ %x  now has   $+ %y  points!
            did -r trivia 15,14
            did -b trivia 17,19
            did -e trivia 20
            var %a = 1
            while $hget(scores,%a).item {
              did -a trivia 14 $v1
              inc %a
            did -z trivia 14
          else var %test = $input(The score must be a number!,ho,Error!)
        else var %sos = $input(The name must be one word!,ho,Error!)
      else var %asdf = $input(You must enter a name!,ho,Error!)
    if ($did == 17) {
      var %x = $input(What would you like $did(trivia,14).seltext $+ 's new score to be?,qe,$did(trivia,14).seltext $+ 's Score,$hget(scores,$did(trivia,14).seltext))
      if (%x isnum) {
        hadd -m scores $did(trivia,14).seltext %x
        .msg %chan   $+ $did(trivia,14).seltext  now has  %x  points!
        did -ra trivia 15 %x Points
      else var %asdf = $input(The score must be a number!,ho,Error!)
    if ($did == 24) dialog $iif($dialog(txt),-v,-m) txt txt
    if ($did == 25) {
      var %ques = $input(What question would you like to add?,qe,Question)
      if (%ques != $null) {
        var %hint1 = $input(What would you like the first hint to be?,qe,Hint 1)
        if (%hint1 != $null) {
          var %hint2 = $input(What would you like the second hint to be?,qe,Hint 2)
          if (%hint2 != $null) {
            var %ans = $input(What would you like the answer to be?,qe,Answer)
            if (%ans != $null) {
              did -r trivia 23,30,31,32,41
              var %y = 1
              var %z = $hget(questions,1).item
              while $hget(questions,%y).item {
                if ($v1 > %z) var %z = $v1
                inc %y
              hadd -m questions $calc(%z + 1) $+(%ques,$chr(1),%hint1,$chr(1),%hint2,$chr(1),%ans)
              did -e trivia 26
              var %b = 1
              while $hget(questions,%b).item {
                did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
                inc %b
              did -z trivia 23
              did -b trivia 27,37,38,39,42
    if ($did == 26) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you want to erase all questions?,cy,Remove All Questions)
      if (%x == $true) {
        did -r trivia 23,30,31,32,41
        hfree questions
        did -b trivia 26,27,37,38,39,42
    if ($did == 23 && $did(trivia,23).seltext != $null) {
      did -e trivia 27,37,38,39,42
      var %x = $hget(questions,$hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data)
      noop $regex($hget(questions,$hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data),/^(.+)(.+)(.+)(.+)$/i)
      did -ra trivia 31 $regml(2)
      did -ra trivia 30 $regml(3)
      did -ra trivia 32 $regml(4)
      did -ra trivia 41 $regml(1)
    if ($did == 27) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you want to delete this question?,cy,Delete Question)
      if (%x == $true) {
        hdel questions %a $hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        did -r trivia 23,30,31,32,41
        var %y = 1
        while $hget(questions,%y).item {
          did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
          inc %y
        did -b trivia 27,37,38,39,42
        did -z trivia 23
    if ($did == 38) {
      var %x = $input(What would you like hint 1 to be?,qe,Hint 1,$did(trivia,31).text)
      if (%x != $null) {
        var %y = $hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        var %a = $hget(questions,%y)
        var %z = $replace(%a,$gettok(%a,2,1),%x)
        hadd -m questions %y %z
        did -ra trivia 31 %x
    if ($did == 37) {
      var %as = $input(What would you like Hint 2 to be?,qe,Hint 2,$did(trivia,30).text)
      if (%as != $null) {
        var %y = $hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        var %a = $hget(questions,%y)
        var %z = $replace(%a,$gettok(%a,3,1),%as)
        hadd -m questions %y %z
        did -ra trivia 30 %as
    if ($did == 39) {
      var %sa = $input(What would you like the answer to be?,qe,Answer,$did(trivia,32).text)
      if (%sa != $null) {
        var %y = $hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        var %a = $hget(questions,%y)
        var %z = $replace(%a,$gettok(%a,4,1),%sa)
        hadd -m questions %y %z
        did -ra trivia 32 %sa
    if ($did == 42) {
      var %sas = $input(What would you like to rename the question as?,qe,Question,$did(trivia,41).text)
      if (%sas != $null) {
        var %y = $hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        var %a = $hget(questions,%y)
        var %z = $replace(%a,$gettok(%a,1,1),%sas)
        hadd -m questions %y %z
        did -ra trivia 41 %sas
        did -r trivia 23
        var %lmn = 1
        while $hget(questions,%lmn).item {
          did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
          inc %lmn
        did -c trivia 23 $didwm(trivia,23,%sas $+ *)
        did -z trivia 23
    if ($did == 45) {
      var %x = $input(Who would you like to set as the owner?,qe,Owner,$hget(trivia,owner))
      if (%x != $null) {
        hadd -m trivia owner %x
        did -ra trivia 44 %x
    if ($did == 48) {
      var %x = $input(What would you like to set as the trivia channel?,qe,Trivia Channel,$hget(trivia,chan))
      if (%x != $null) {
        if ($left(%x,1) == $chr(35)) {
          hadd -m trivia chan %x
          did -ra trivia 47 %x
        else var %y = $input(The channel must begin with $chr(35),ho,Error!)
    if ($did == 51 && $did(trivia,51).seltext != $null) {
      did -ra trivia 50 $gettok($hget(reports,$hfind(reports,$did(trivia,51).seltext $+ *,1,w).data),2,1)
      did -e trivia 68,22
    if ($did == 22) {
      did -c trivia 3
      did -c trivia 23 $didwm(trivia,23,$did(trivia,51).seltext $+ *)
      var %x = $hget(questions,$hfind(questions,$did(trivia,23).seltext $+ *,1,w).data)
      did -ra trivia 31 $gettok(%x,2,1)
      did -ra trivia 30 $gettok(%x,3,1)
      did -ra trivia 32 $gettok(%x,4,1)
      did -ra trivia 41 $gettok(%x,1,1)
      did -e trivia 27,37,38,39,42
    if ($did == 67) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you would like to delete all reports?,cy,Erase All Reports)
      if (%x == $true) {
        did -r trivia 51,50
        hfree reports
    if ($did == 68) {
      var %x = $input(Are you sure you would like to remove this report?,cy,Remove Report)
      if (%x == $true) {
        did -b trivia 22,67,68
        hdel reports $hfind(reports,$did(trivia,51).seltext $+ *,1,w).data
        var %x = 1
        did -r trivia 51,50
        while $hget(reports,%x).item {
          did -a trivia 51 $gettok($hget(reports,$v1),1,1)
          inc %x
        did -z trivia 51
        if ($hget(reports,1).data) did -e trivia 67
    if ($did isnum 55-58) {
      hadd -m trivia wrong $gettok($did(trivia,$did),1,32)
      if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == ison) did -c trivia 8
      if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == isvoice) did -c trivia 7
      if ($hgeT(trivia,strivia) == isop) did -c trivia 6
    if ($did == 59) {
      hadd -m trivia wrong none
      if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == ison) did -c trivia 8
      if ($hget(trivia,strivia) == isvoice) did -c trivia 7
      if ($hgeT(trivia,strivia) == isop) did -c trivia 6
    if ($did == 61) {
      write missed.txt $did(trivia,60).text
      did -r trivia 60
      did -b trivia 61
      var %x = $input(Missed Question Response Added!,io,Response Added)
  if ($devent == edit && $did == 60) {
    if ($did(trivia,60).text != $null) did -e trivia 61
    else did -b trivia 61
alias -l hash {
  var %del = $$input(What delimeter seperates the question from the answer?,qe,Delimeter)
  var %x = 1
  unset %ques %ans
  while $read($qt($$1-),%x) {
    var %ques = $gettok($v1,1,%del)
    var %ans = $gettok($v1,2,%del)
    var %y = 1
    unset %hint1 %hint2
    while $gettok(%ans,%y,32) {
      var %hint1 = $addtok(%hint1,$chr(32) $+ $replace($v1,a,_,b,_,c,_,d,_,e,_,f,_,g,_,h,_,i,_,j,_,k,_,l,_,m,_,n,_,o,_,p,_,q,_,r,_,s,_,t,_,u,_,v,_,w,_,x,_,y,_,z,_,1,_,2,_,3,_,4,_,5,_,6,_,7,_,8,_,9,_,0,_),32)
      var %hint2 = $addtok(%hint2,$chr(32) $+ $left($v1,1) $+ $replace($mid($v1,2),a,_,b,_,c,_,d,_,e,_,f,_,g,_,h,_,i,_,j,_,k,_,l,_,m,_,n,_,o,_,p,_,q,_,r,_,s,_,t,_,u,_,v,_,w,_,x,_,y,_,z,_,1,_,2,_,3,_,4,_,5,_,6,_,7,_,8,_,9,_,0,_),32)
      inc %y
    var %z = 1
    while $hget(questions,%z).item {
      inc %z
    hadd -m questions $calc(%z + 1) $+(%ques,$chr(1),%hint1,$chr(1),%hint2,$chr(1),%ans)
    inc %x
  did -r trivia 23
  var %b = 1
  while $hget(questions,%b).item {
    did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
    inc %b
  did -z trivia 23
  did -e trivia 26
  did -b trivia 27,38,37,39,42

dialog -l txt {
  title "Add *.txt"
  size -1 -1 101 58
  option dbu
  button "...", 1, 84 6 11 10
  edit "", 2, 7 6 74 10, autohs
  radio "Question|Answer", 3, 7 30 53 10
  radio "Question|Hint1|Hint2|Answer", 4, 7 20 84 10
  button "OK", 5, 20 44 28 10, disable ok
  button "Cancel", 6, 53 44 28 10, cancel

on *:dialog:txt:*:*:{
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 1) {
      var %x = $$sfile($mircdir $+ *.txt,Select a .txt file,Select)
      if ($right(%x,4) != .txt) {
        var %y = $input(Please select a .txt file!,ho,Error!)
        goto a
      else did -ra txt 2 %x
      if (($did(txt,3).state == 1 || $did(txt,4).state == 1) && $right($did(txt,2),4) == .txt) {
        did -e txt 5
      else did -b txt 5
    if ($did == 3 || $did == 4) {
      if (($did(txt,3).state == 1 || $did(txt,4).state == 1) && $right($did(txt,2),4) == .txt) {
        did -e txt 5
      else did -b txt 5
    if ($did == 5) {
      if ($isfile($did(txt,2))) {
        if ($did(txt,3).state == 1) {
          hash $did(txt,2)
        elseif ($did(txt,4).state == 1) {
          addtxt $did(txt,2)
      else var %x = $input($did(txt,2) isn't a file!,ho,Error!)
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if (($did(txt,3).state == 1 || $did(txt,4).state == 1) && $right($did(txt,2),4) == .txt) {
      did -e txt 5
    else did -b txt 5
alias -l addtxt {
  var %as = $$input(What is the delimeter that seperates the hints $+ $chr(44) questions $+ $chr(44) and answers?,qe,Delimeter)
  if (%as isnum) {
    var %x = $qt($$1-)
    did -r trivia 23,30,31,32,41
    var %y = 1
    var %z = $hget(questions,1).item
    while $hget(questions,%y).item {
      if ($v1 > %z) var %z = $v1
      inc %y
    var %a = 1
    while $read(%x,%a) {
      hadd -m questions $calc(%z + 1) $replace($v1,$chr(%as),$chr(1))
      inc %z
      inc %a
    var %b = 1
    while $hget(questions,%b).item {
      did -a trivia 23 $gettok($hget(questions,$v1),1,1)
      inc %b
    did -z trivia 23
    did -e trivia 26
    did -b trivia 27,38,37,39,42
  else var %sumthin = $input(The delimeter must be a number!,ho,Error!)

Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 55
Babel fish
Babel fish
Joined: Jan 2014
Posts: 55

In the script if you find the on text part to turn the script on and off and replace it with the below. I have tested this on a IRC network and seems to work fine for me, Hope it works ok for you.

When someone trys to do!trivia and is not an op they will get the message "You must be an op to start trivia" - You can change this message to anything you want it to be.

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($chan == $hget(trivia,chan)) {
    if ($nick !isop $chan) { .msg $chan You must be an op to start trivia | halt }
    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:trivia|start|triv(?:on|start))$/Si)) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) != on) {
        hadd -m trivia status on
        .msg $chan $+( Trivia has been started by  $nick, !)
        .timertrivnew 1 2 new
        if ($dialog(trivia)) {
          did -b trivia 9
          did -e trivia 10


      else .msg $chan  Trivia is already  on  $+ !

Let me know how it goes smile

Regards Jay


Joined: Aug 2023
Posts: 2
Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
Joined: Aug 2023
Posts: 2
So I used your script and it seems to working partially since it wont post the question, hints or the answer from the questions.txt. The users only see blank spaces instead of the Questions, Answers and hints.

Any idea how to fix this?

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