
In the script if you find the on text part to turn the script on and off and replace it with the below. I have tested this on a IRC network and seems to work fine for me, Hope it works ok for you.

When someone trys to do!trivia and is not an op they will get the message "You must be an op to start trivia" - You can change this message to anything you want it to be.

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($chan == $hget(trivia,chan)) {
    if ($nick !isop $chan) { .msg $chan You must be an op to start trivia | halt }
    if ($regex($1,/^[!@.](?:trivia|start|triv(?:on|start))$/Si)) {
      if ($hget(trivia,status) != on) {
        hadd -m trivia status on
        .msg $chan $+( Trivia has been started by  $nick, !)
        .timertrivnew 1 2 new
        if ($dialog(trivia)) {
          did -b trivia 9
          did -e trivia 10


      else .msg $chan  Trivia is already  on  $+ !

Let me know how it goes smile

Regards Jay

