I don't know exactly how to get the bot into the channel?
Or how to even use Mirc.
I would really appreciate some help here.
And please don't just say "hit F1"
I already looked at the help and can't figure out how to use it... Not enough free time

Can someone please help me out with this?
I'm willing to give someone 500mil or something!
I'm sitting here pulling my hair out trying to figure it out.
It wouldn't be so stressful if I had plenty of free time.
But I have a job and I try to stream 5 hours a day!
If someone could simply HELP me, I would greatly appreciate it.
I need to know what program to use, how to get it set up in the twitch channel, and then I should be able to do the rest from what's on here. If someone could please help me and give me a guiding hand I would be very grateful. ^.^
Please visit my channel as I don't check this often as I should.
jeezybeats - skype
essk8er8090@gmail.com - contact
Thank you!