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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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i found a certain script which i like a lot 
menu channel {
.on:/set %backwards on
.off:/set %backwards off
on 1:INPUT:#test_bot: {
if (%backwards == on ) {
if ($1) {
var %c $strip($1-),%a $len(%c)
while %a >= 1 {
var %b %b $+ $replace($mid(%c,%a,1),$chr(32),$str($chr(32),2))
dec %a
msg $active %b | halt
Basically it reverses everything you say... Is there anyway i could get it to work for someone else? For example: If i'm 'person x' on a channel and i want to reverse every thing 'person y' says in the same channel. person y: Hello person x: olleh
So the basic idea is my nick(person x) should reverse what ever 'person y' says on that channel(when the script is on that is)  Any way of modifying the script for this purpose?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Assuming your script works (haven't tested the actual reversing part of it), this should do what you want:
on ^*:text:*:#test_bot: {
if (%backwards == on && $nick == PersonY) {
var %c $strip($1-),%a $len(%c)
while %a >= 1 {
var %b %b $+ $replace($mid(%c,%a,1),$chr(32),$str($chr(32),2))
dec %a
echo -ambflt < $+ $nick $+ > %b | haltdef
Note that depending on how you have your <nick> format set up, you may also want to add the nick's mode (such as @) and the color of the nick in there. Don't forget to change "PersonY" in the script to the nick you want this to work on. If you want it to work for everyone, remove that part of the IF check. If you have multiple people, you can make it work for more by changing the IF as well. This also assumes you're using the same menu part of what you posted to set the backwards on/off. I didn't bother copying it into here since there wouldn't be a change.
Invision Support #Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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@Riamus2 nope not following you,i can confirm that the script i pasted earlier is working as i am currently using it. but when i use your script (along with all the changes u mentioned) i get a different result. Have a look. ( http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/lassyakjedi/test-bot.jpg ) It showes me a blank space when PersonY types anything. The script is loaded into PersonX. PersonX in the front and PersonY at the back in the pic. PersonY had typed test,test1..but all personX could see were a few blank spaces.(Instead of seeing it in reverse/backwards) I want it to read somthing like this <PersonY>: Test <PersonX>: tseT <PersonY>: Test1 <PersonX>: 1tseT
I thought due to the same white background im not able to see it..when i changed the background i got the same result
Last edited by lassyakjedi; 09/08/10 05:57 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hm. I can't test it right now at work because I can't connect to a network here, but if I change it to work as an alias instead of on text event, it is working fine, so it should work in the on text event as well. Try putting this right above the echo line in the script: See what you have there. %c should be forward and %b should be backwards. Is this the only on text event in this script file?
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Sorry, I forgot about this. I just tested it and it works. There's just one change I'd make since I wasn't thinking correctly and was echoing to the active window instead of the target window...
on ^*:text:*:#test_bot: {
if (%backwards == on && $nick == PersonY) {
var %c $strip($1-),%a $len(%c)
while %a >= 1 {
var %b %b $+ $replace($mid(%c,%a,1),$chr(32),$str($chr(32),2))
dec %a
echo -mbflt $target < $+ $nick $+ > %b | haltdef
And, like I mentioned before, you might want to add mode prefixes on the nick if you normally display them and color for the nick if you normally show color on the nicks. Otherwise, this is working just fine. If it's still not working, you may have something else conflicting with it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You can do this with $regsubex simply: on ^*:text:*:#test_bot:{
if (%backwards == on && $nick == PersonY) {
echo -mbflt # $+(<,$nick(#,$nick).pnick,>) $&
$regsubex($1-,/(.)/gS,$mid(\A,-\n,1))) | haltdef