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#217273 06/01/10 08:57 PM
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wolfien Offline OP
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I'm a IRC user since about 10 years.. already done some scripting so you can guess im not a total noobie!

My issue is the following : Since about a week I can ONLY connect on one undernet server using MIRC ( Using Xchat on the same machine is working perfectly All the server connect..)Using Mirc when I try to connect , It shows me the MOTD.. server stats.. stuck there for about 30 secs.. and disconnect with 10053

What I did try :

-Completly remove MIRC ( even reg key ) reinstall a "virgin" mirc ( no script ) and still give me the issue.
-Tryed to reboot cable modem / router
-Put back the factory default config on my router ( DI 524 )
-Monitored my connection to see if anything weird was going on..

I've 2 pc on my networks.. both have the same problem.. So I can concluded its not a PC problem...

I've no security suite installed on ANY of the 2 pc.. no windows firewall.. windows security center.. norton whatsoever..

My neighboor use the same ISP and can connect to all undernet server So its not an ISP issue..

Since I can connect with Xchat but not MIRC I *think* i can concluded its a software issue regarding mirc...

Any of you guys have any suggestion? I think I went through all the possible steps described in the previous post..


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It may be that you're trying to connect on a port that either you are having problems connecting to or the server is having problems with. Default is usually 6667, but you can change it to another valid port and see if you can connect that way. It's possible Xchat uses a different default port to connect and that's why you have no problems there. Otherwise, no idea.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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wolfien Offline OP
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Thanks for the anwser! I did the verification both Xchat and MIRC connect on port 6667 I've tryed some weird port like on zaberg server or something like that it accept connetion on port 9999 But nothing change..

Only vancouver server connect through port 6667 all other failed.. frown

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I dont know how much help this will be but if i were having this problem one of the troubleshooting options i would take is using an install of wireshark to compare sessions from my xchat connection to an undernet server and from my mirc to the same server. Or if you enjoy scripting create a socket connection for each client and gather your connection session data that way. anyhow after that id look for where each of the sessions differ and go from there. Honestly id think if both of the clients are sending the exact same data they should both connect. unless each client was interpretting the server responses differently and that is where the issue is. anyhow hope it helps smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I have heard of some users experiencing this issue however I have never been able to reproduce it and can't think of a reason why this would happen. Normally this connection error indicates that the connection was closed by the IRC server, however this could be due to any combination of your internet connection, anti-virus, firewall, or router. It may be even be related to Windows itself, eg. a recent Windows update.

Since this has only been happening for a week and your copy of mIRC has always been able to connect to Undernet before, this does seem to rule out that it is an mIRC issue, especially since you have installed a clean copy of mIRC and it still does not work. It could be that something has changed on your computer and may very well be coincidental that you are able to connect with a different IRC client.

If you do manage to track it down, please let us know.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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As a thought, look back at any changes, updates, installs, uninstalls, etc that you may have done over the past week. See if possibly one of them may have something to do with it. At worst, you could reload a system restore point, though that doesn't help you or Khaled to know what caused it.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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wolfien Offline OP
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Here's an update on my issue... for some unknow reason.. I went back home 2 days after my original post.. and everything was working perfectly on both of my computer.. I tryed to source the problem by enabling / disabling software and I was never able to recreate the problem. It Works for about 2 weeks without any issue.. During theses 2 weeks I wasn'T disconnected at all..

Now as today.. Just rebooted my personal pc.. and the problem came back.. I checked if any program running at the startup could cause the issue.. but no luck... On my second pc.. everything is working fine..

As you can guess.. except the reboot nothing changed during this short time ( The latest windows update or whatever update / software I installed was last week.. )

I think It might be related to something in the Local info tabs..
What exactly should be there?? Sometimes its my local info 192.168.x.x why my local host.. And on some other time its my internet Ip adress with my internet host..

As I posted earlier, same procedure where repeated...w/o result...

What I've BIIIIIIG problem to understand is.. why is it doing this ONLY on undernet.. On efnet its all fine...

thx for all your suggestion! will keep you updated with my next step / solution If it comes up!

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