Hi guys, I just swaped from dsl to cablemodem, but now i cant connect.
When i connect, it doesnt take my ip, instead it uses the server's IP and i get my DNS resolved with server's IP like this:
Local host: 66-252-7-150.Eden.The-IRC.Com ( IRC Network Gatito_Felix!~slash@
IRC Network Gatito_Felix!~slash@
Local host: unknown (
Gatito_Felix is ~slash@
PhazeNet IRC Network Gatito_Felix!~slash@
and so....it changes IP as i change servers, but most times it stucks at start when the MOTD comes and stays there
[20:04] Local host: hal (
[20:04] -RazorsEdge.phazenet.com- *** Looking up your hostname...
[20:04] -RazorsEdge.phazenet.com- *** Checking ident...
* Identd request from
* Identd replied: 1385, 6667 : USERID : windows : mamai
[20:04] -RazorsEdge.phazenet.com- *** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
[20:04] -RazorsEdge.phazenet.com- *** Received identd response
Welcome to the PhazeNet IRC Network gatito_felix!mamai@
As you can see, different server i try to connect, different IP i get and i get as my IP the DNS from server.
Already tried port forwardin, port triggering from modem's config dont know what else to do.
Please help!!!