A feature suggestion for a datetime trigger on a timer would not mean it would necessarily be any more accurate than hixxy's suggestion. In fact, I bet the implementation would be the C equivalent of that code. Either bug report it as mentioned or follow the scriptable suggestion below:
If synchronization is an issue, run a shorter timer that verifies the current date has been reached at which point you can set the timed timer, or do something similar once you're within N minutes of the intended trigger time.
alias cron.delay { return 30 }
alias cron {
if ($calc($1 - $ctime - $3) < 300) {
.timer 1 $v1 $4-
else {
var %delta = $calc($ctime - ($2 + $cron.delay))
.timerCRON 1 $cron.delay cron $1 $ctime $calc($3 + %delta) $4-
alias cronstart { cron $1 $ctime $cron.delay $2- }
/cronstart $ctime(1/1/2009 0:00) msg #somechan happy new year
The code above uses a delta accumulator to keep track of how far off the timer has wandered and adds this adjustment value to the final timer. This may not even be needed.