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#196147 10/03/08 09:01 PM
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wibby50 Offline OP
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I would just love to have a code checker in Mirc. Pretty much, what you do is you copy your code, and you put it in the checker. After running it through, it will tell you what it does, just so you dont have to try and fail it. It could also give suggestions on other things it could do incase what you did was wrong., for example, after putting in
on *:JOIN:#rebels.u21: {
  if ($nick == Furon) msg #rebels.u21 Welcome Furon, Leader of Rebels!
  elseif ($nick == Pyrise) msg #rebels.u21 Welcome Pyrise, Right Hand Man of Rebels!
  elseif ($nick == commander) msg #rebels.u21 Welcome Commander, Left Hand Man of Rebels!

the checker will say "When a user named Furon (non case sensitive) joins the channel of rebels.u21, the user holding this script will, in the channel of #rebels.u21, say 'Welcome Furon, Leader of Rebels!' If the user's name is not Furon, but it is Pyrise(non case sensitive), it will say..."etc. And, below all of that, it might say "Did you want this code to instead of sending a message to the entire channel, it will send a private message to the user?" or "Did you want this code to instead of sending a message to the entire channel, it will send a message through the channel that only the user can see?" (I dont know if that is possible though, but what do i know...) And when you click it, it will give you the code to do what you asked.

wibby50 #196148 10/03/08 09:12 PM
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Hoopy frood
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It would be nigh on impossible for Khaled to incorporate what is essentially an artificially intelligent code checker in mIRC, not to mention not hugely useful. If you're writing the code then one assumes you know what it's SUPPOSED to do, and if it does do that then mIRC telling you it's doing it is pointless. If you want mIRC to predict that your code is wrong, then yes, given the scope of mIRC's scripting language it would be impossible.



Mentality #196149 10/03/08 09:21 PM
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wibby50 Offline OP
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men also thought it was impossible to get to the moon.

wibby50 #196150 10/03/08 09:26 PM
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Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: wibby50

it will tell you what it does,

Script long enough and you will be able to do that youself.

wibby50 #196151 10/03/08 10:12 PM
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Hoopy frood
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Originally Posted By: wibby50
men also thought it was impossible to get to the moon.

And it was impossible in, let's say, 1500AD. So, let's state that it's impossible *now*, but *may* be possible in a few hundred years. That, of course, doesn't help you... and if mIRC's still around then, I'll be amazed.

As mentioned, having code tell you what it does in plain english doesn't help if you know how to script. You will already know what it does. On a 3-5 line piece of script, it's not so hard to make it display plain english explanations. Consider a 5000 line piece of code with regex and sockets and hash tables and such. For it to be able to figure out what's going on and convert it to plain english, it would have to have pretty good AI... AI that isn't possible at this point in time.

Having it just tell you if there's a syntax error in the code wouldn't be that hard. That only really has to look at each line separately and find errors in syntax.

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Riamus2 #196155 10/03/08 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted By: Riamus2
... and if mIRC's still around then, I'll be dead.

Fixed :P

Riamus2 #196863 24/03/08 10:30 AM
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Ameglian cow
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In fact, that will in the general case be impossible in a few hundred years, in a thousand years, and in a million years. Furthermore, that's fairly easy to prove. Google for 'the halting problem'.

Of course, this particular instance could be possible, I mean, you saw it, and I personally have no reason to believe you have any powers beyond a TM (Google as previously).

wibby50 #196882 24/03/08 04:40 PM
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This looks more like an argument of, "I want mIRC to translate to me the code I don't know."

Originally Posted By: wibby50
And when you click it, it will give you the code to do what you asked.


Originally Posted By: wibby50
men also thought it was impossible to get to the moon.

Well, the time men 1st thought it was impossible to get to the moon to the time where men did go on the moon, record that duration. This argument will follow how long it would take for when this thing is implemented.

wibby50 #196884 24/03/08 06:09 PM
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coding is about understanding the syntax and semantics of the language you're using, if you want to be read a story then you should get an audio book :P

"The only excuse for making a useless script is that one admires it intensely" - Oscar Wilde
wibby50 #196915 25/03/08 02:48 AM
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Fjord artisan
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Your argument could have at least made sense if mIRC scripting was in another language, like French, German, or Chinese, Japanese. But it isn't.

Originally Posted By: wibby50
I would just love to have a code checker in Mirc. Pretty much, what you do is you copy your code, and you put it in the checker.

This is actually pretty simple to do. Mirc scripting is already in English, so that makes it a super advantage.

Obviously, the symbols are a bit different. So if you had something like.

%translate = $1-
%translate = $replace(%translate,==,equals,!=,is not,||,or,&&,and)
echo -a %translate

Example: if ($nick equals Furon) or ($nick doesn't equal Furon2) {

In that case, implementing something like this is easy. Just that, adding in words like "the" is completely unnecessary. The purpose of language is to convey an idea, not to satisfy requirements.

And then make you want to make translations of various identifiers that are not common English words, like $mp5e or $qt(). Or lenghthen $calc and $logdir to "calculate" and "log directory". Same with aliases. /sockopen could be "open a socket."

Of course, who needs to translate $word into "the word identifier" or %word into "the word variable." All of these are possible to do, but they're really just making the text longer to read.

I mean, which is more plausible, three hundred and fourty-seven, or 347? So it's pretty fine the way it is.

And so and so forth.

LostShadow #196919 25/03/08 03:18 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Why do you pointlessly continue this pointless argument? The horse is dead. It died 2 weeks ago... Or maybe you didn't learn your lesson of being banned from the forum for such pointless rambling. Maybe you need another?

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argv0 #196929 25/03/08 08:52 PM
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As you are taking the time to get off topic from the point of this thread, and delve into a question about myself, I obviously feel it is changing the topic of this thread, and am inclined to not answer your question in this thread, but instead, answer it in private message. As we are in opposing views about this, you would have to convince me that my reply, should, in fact, go on this thread. If you can give me any good reason, why I should answer your question in this thread, then I will answer it here. Otherwise, if you can't, then I will answer your question in private message.

My reasoning of this (which you may not care to know), goes as follows:

Suppose you asked a question to me in public. Such a case as being in public, that either means you yourself wanted to know the answer, or you wanted everyone else including to know the answer. However, if you didn't want everyone else to know the answer, you would have private messaged me the question. This is, of course, under the assumption that there is netiquette in a public forum that if there is a conversation directly between 2 people not regarding the topic of that thread, but about the individual users (such as this case), it could go to the private message. Obviously, you didn't care about that netiquette if that netiquette exists. If such a netiquette does not exist, then, please point that out, contradicting what I will say in the below.

If such a question I detect will break the netiquette of answering your question publicly, I would feel inclined to reply back in private message, even though it was not presented there. Or, I could not give a damn about that, and reply here. The fact that you asked me this question, I can choose to reply back in private message or not. The reason I have these choices is because I have free will. In other words, I can differentiate between being forced to answer a question in public, and not answering a question in public, therefore choosing to reply to that question in private message. Likewise, I can differentiate between a question that I find more suitable for private messages, and a question that I find less suitable for private messages.

Neal Conroy.

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