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#190791 26/11/07 09:59 AM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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My laptop was on wi-fi, and I had weak Internet connection.

I was pasting around 4 ascii arts, using a paste dialog for about half a second per line. Each art is some 15 lines.

I paste 3 ascii arts in a channel, then get kicked.

I then get the no external messages can be sent to channel, like 50 times.

Someone pms me, asking for an ascii art, I aste to him the 4th art.

Then he goes well???

So I type /debug @debug.

What do I see?

I see my PrivMsg slowly pasting ascii art 1.

Minutes later, ascii art 2.

Then 3.

Then finally, I see my art being sent to the p.m. window.

7 whopping minutes later.

In other words, why do I have to see *my* text the moment I press Enter in the on input event?

Can't mIRC wait until it sends the privmsg to the server ans then echo the text?

I noticed scripts tend to hold off other events until finished.

on join event autogreet

* nick has joined channel
<$me> autogreet!

Suppose I was lagging for 3 minutes, mIRC will always output autogreets the line afterthe on join event, despite the fact that people may see it minutes later.

Suppose someone loads proxies to a channel and youhave several on join event scripts.

* fjfsdfs joins
* fjggg joins
* gfggdgd joins

Between every line, you have to see:

new channel record recorded at! time!
no clones for nick!


Yet I know there's no way that mIRC is that fast especially during lag.

So in other words, if I type something, hit enter, and then type /debug @debug, and minutes later I see my text being sent to the server, couldn't mIRC just echo your text then rather than right after you press the Enter button?

Just an idea of logic.

Since we already have an on text event for other people's text, and since it's called privmsg, just thought of that. Anyways, it doesn't have to be an event of itself, such as when the server receives your text. Slighly different then on input. I know I don't have any /echo for my on input events.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It sounds to me like you have a script loaded that has an INPUT event and is catching what you're pasting slowing messages down to avoid flooding you off the server. Disable remotes and try to paste some stuff to your friend again and see what happens.

/events off

In the future, to avoid triggering an INPUT event, hold the CTRL key while you paste.

~ Edit ~
To enable your remotes again type /events on

RoCk #190866 28/11/07 02:44 AM
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Again, I don't have an /echo at all in my on input.

If I have a script to paste every 500 cs, why would the /debug @debug show an even slower event?

I did notice this in my @debug window, though.

-> server.network.ltd PING :FLOODCHECK
<- :server.network.ltd PONG server.network.ltd :FLOODCHECK

No idea what that means, the raw command.

Anyways, this is another logic. Why should mIRC echo your input string before it sends the PRIVMSG to the server? It could at least wait.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Temporarily disable flood protection, or at least de-select 'Queue Own messages' and try pasting to your friend again, this is probably the cause. It's also what is pinging the server with FLOODCHECK.

options (alt+o) > irc > flood

RoCk #190912 28/11/07 04:47 PM
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Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
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Okay I unclicked queue own commands and it didn't make a difference.

And yes, the flood protection made the difference.

In other words, mIRC now doesn't wait for the floodcheck before displaying the text. I think that's my suggestion.

Floodcheck makes your flood slower and yet mIRC will display your flood as if you didn't have flood protection enabled. I think I'd like that fixed.

I'm guessing at this point floodcheck does not affect the time display of other people's text but if that were the case then I'd like that fixed as well. smirk

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