To show the tabs in EfNet, I have to type: /aHideTAB
To hide the tabs in EfNet, I have to type: /HideTAB
In the EfNet status window...
To show the tabs in Dalnet, I have to type: /acloi
To hide the tabs in Dalnet, I have to type: /cloi
In the Dalnet status window...
Same with accessIRC:
In the accessIRC status window..
Now. Please read this slow and refrain from answering if you are in the slightest doubt about what I am asking?
If I want to show all tabs.. I have to type /aHideTAB in the EfNet status window.. Then I have to type /acloi in the Dalnet status window... And then I have to type: /windowshow in the accessIRC status window..
Please now? I HAVE TO TYPE IT IN THE STATUS window of the server..
So if I type /aHideTAB in a Dalnet channel, or the status, nothing will happen...
PLEASE? I cannot understand how this can be so hard to make...
Is there no /say #statusEFNET //aHideTAB
So I can use a meny drop down to show and hide all?
Please tell me what I do wrong? I am always missunderstood on this forum... It is really frustrating..
I would like something, like this:
(Only working, of course.)
alias hideall: {
/status EFnet /aHideTAB
/status Dalnet /acloi
/status accessIRC /windowshow
Last edited by gomp; 25/08/07 01:48 PM.