My first post on these forums ^_^
Earlier today, I downloaded and installed the new 6.3 version. I was very thrilled to test it out.
I have my own script which pops up a custom window on startup with "Welcome" basically. Used to work fine in mIRC 6.2(1).
When I ran mIRC 6.3, it shows up as minimized, so I had to either type /window -a @window, or remove the "-h" switch from the window options to see the window.
But I dont want to remove the -h switch (hide), because then it'll popup in the treebar, something i REALLY want to avoid.
However, here's the window code I use:
!window -adohfk0p +fL @StartupLogo $int($calc($window(-1).w /2+ $window(-1).x -165)) $int($calc($window(-1).h /2+ $window(-1).y -173)) 330 246
I hope it's not a bug, and something I will be able to fix in any way!