klines bans excepts Invites ect allow for "?" to specify a random char being there....... ignore needs that to block spam from specific host/ident/nick matches
try /ignore nick type for example (pavlikenski!~az_pavlik@bgirc-164714.netissat.net) /ignore pavlikenski 12 will do * Added *!*@bgirc-??????.netissat.net to ignore list hope I've got you right and that helps
And all I need now is intellectual intercourse, a soul to dig the hole much deeper
I think DALnet created the +R usermode (//mode $me +R) which avoids spammers from spamming you in private. I'm not sure about how it works since I don't go on DALnet (I used to be there ages ago when it opened), but this is pretty effective.
Well I've found that on any network, just setting yourself to invisible mode (which I'm sure is standard on all ircd's as +i), has always allowed me to evade unsolicited spam messages from people who aren't just using remote triggers to send people messages upon joining a channel.
Though this may not block all spam you receive, I'm sure it will help cut down on a heck of a lot. I haven't received anything for years, unless it's due to somebody's remote script upon joining a channel.