Lol. I figured someone would get upset over pointing out the problems with Vista as well as the lack of real features and the high cost for very little actual improvement. That's fine. I won't bother you more with such information. However, it is good for people to have the information even if they choose to ignore it. Many people buy a new computer with the newest OS because they don't know better and offering them information about it is not a bad thing, imo.
As for the quality of the information... pinging hardware constantly *will* reduce its longevity. Other things do affect longevity, that's true. However, if you have a computer without Vista and a computer with Vista, all other factors are going to be the same... you're going to have dust and fatigue and everything else. However, having Vista will reduce the longevity further than not having it due to constant pinging of the hardware. The more times a piece of hardware has to work, the more wear and tear it takes and will eventually stop working. Whether you consider it a significant decrease in longevity or not, it doesn't change the fact that there is a difference.
As for disabling devices, I understand how it works. However, I've used protected content in the past and probably will again -- more and more content is going that way. As such, it could easily become a problem. There are many other issues there that are also very real and I'm sure we'll see and feel the effect as time passes.
Anyhow, I'll stop unless others feel like discussing this and other issues. As long as others want to discuss it, I'll discuss it. But, to make you happy, I won't throw it out there out of the blue again.