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#162889 23/10/06 05:38 PM
Joined: Jul 2006
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HaleyJ Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 242
Hi again blush
erm we have users who join channels and msg the channel like SPAM SPAM SPAM etc like a 100 times so i made this pathectic attempt to script a protection and would like some advice and maybe a better code for it etc.

  ON @*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if $len($strip($1-)) > 45 {
    var %lol = $gettok($1-,4,32)
    if $gettok($1-,5,32) == %lol) && $gettok($1-,8,32) == %lol) && $gettok($1-,15,32) == %lol) {
      ban -k # $nick 3 SPAMMER

thanks alot

#162890 23/10/06 06:29 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 1,052
if ($matchtok($1-,word,0,32) > 5) { do stuff }

matchtok with Nth being 0 would return the x amount of times that word is in $1- :P

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }
#162891 23/10/06 06:36 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you want to know the amount of times a word (that is a sequence of non-whitespace characters, delimited by spaces), then you should use $findtok($1-,<word>,0,32)

Observe your solution:

//echo -a > $matchtok(grass,ass,0,32)
--> 1

I don't know about you, but there's nothing wrong with saying "grass", it's not the same as "ass".

On the other hand:

//echo -a > $findtok(grass,ass,0,32)

--> 0

Note that $findtok is not the perfect solution either, what if someone says: "you are such an ass!" that won't be triggered, because of the !

It all comes down to how well you want to do the matching, and what amount of false positives you are willing to allow. In the end, you'll probably be served best with a $regex, as it allows you to lay down the rules of matching in a detailed way. An example would be that you would allow the word to be surrounded by non-word characters such as punctuation. That would combine the advantages of both $matchtok and $findtok, with none of the negatives.

#162892 23/10/06 07:25 PM
Joined: Jul 2006
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HaleyJ Offline OP
Fjord artisan
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Fjord artisan
Joined: Jul 2006
Posts: 242
thats great advice thanks.


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