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a friend told me a proxy to use so i configured it in my Proxy settings in Internet Explorer and i still had the same IP # as before. then i tried the DHCP thing. i set up my ip address,gateway,etc under properties in TCP/IP and turned off DHCP. still could not get on MIRC. i am running out of ideas. this makes no sense. If i get on the java chat online i can get on with no problems,but not MIRC itself. frown this stinks.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is this happening with all networks, or just one? If just one, which network? Are you unable to connect at all with mIRC, or do you connect and then get disconnected? I've noticed that some people have been asking for scripts that would automatically disconnect any client besides java for their network. (Personally I think that sounds like a bit of a contradiction, asking for a script that runs on mIRC to prevent mIRC from connecting, but that's (possibly) irrelevant to your problem).

If you connect and then get disconnected, please post the disconnection notice (it will probably help a lot).

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paulgr Offline OP
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well i do get disconnected occasionally from MIRC but the problem lies on getting connected. If i press connect it'll keep searching servers constantly. it'll show the ip number of that server at the bottom but no room list popup. then when i do get one,if it doesn't match my ip number,i can't enter the room,as someone from mirc help had me put a code in perform that won't let me unless it matches my ip number as i have an fserve. I was on the phone earlier with my ISP which is comcast and he told me about this site called "shields up" i went there and he noticed on my port forwarding site at comcast that i had 113-113 which is the ports for executing MIRC. he had me type 113 in the line and the test came back as "open" so that meant that the test came back ok. He then had me type in 4000 and 5000 which are the 2 port ranges for DCC i have up. both numbers came up as "Stealth" i think this might be part of the problem now. i changed it to 4000-4050 but i don't know if it changed much. Think this might be the problem? if so,let me know,and what i can do to solve this.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Those reports have three responses...Open, Stealth and Closed.
Open means that information can freely flow along that port.
Stealth means that the port is partially open (eg: you can send from that port, but if someone tried to access your system via that port, they would be denied access)
Closed means that no information can be transferred.

I know, the first and last of those three explanations are pretty self-evident.

Again, I ask, do you have this problem with all networks, or just the one? If just the one, which network is it? I can't realistically provide you with answers to your problem if I'm unable to test my suspicions. I know I could tell you to try suggestion A, then wait for you to try it and get back to me if it worked or not. Then, if it didn't work, we'd have to do the same process with suggestion B, C, D, E, ....

A lot faster for me to get the network name from you, then try all of the possibilities until I find one that works.

Regarding that code someone had you put into your perform section, could you also post it (editing any personal information that may exist), so that I can review it and see just what it does?

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what do you mean by one or all 3? i have only one PC. and the only network that i know of is comcast. anyway here is the codes i have in perform:

/localinfo -u
//.timerpingself [ $+ [ $network ] ] -o 0 60 if ($server) .ctcp $!me ping
timer 1 5 if (192.168.* iswm $ip) /localinfo -u
/identify 42569

i think the middle one was supposed to not let me in until it found my local ip but it also pinged me so i wouldn't disconnect i think. But anyway,i hope this helps. I'm sorry to bug you so much but i really want my MIRC to work perfectly again.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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the best and tou are sore its worcks


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Hoopy frood
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I should've listed the possible responses as Open, Stealth or Closed...since the port check will only return one of those three options.

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Hoopy frood
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is this a dsl conenction?

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Hoopy frood
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the only network that i know of is comcast.

Comcast is not a network. It is your ISP. A network would be Dalnet, Efnet, Wondernet, Undernet, etc.

Try this and see if you connect easily:

/server irc.undernet.org

As far as I know, undernet doesn't have problems on any of its servers (as long as you have the latest servers.ini file from this site). As such, it should connect quickly every time without having it try a variety of IPs.

Your problem with serving is a router setup problem. The code you entered in Perform isn't really going to help you. If you get your router set up correctly, then it won't be needed at all. Have you gone to portforward.com? Have you picked the brand of router you are using from the list? Have you chosen mIRC DCC? Have you followed all of the steps, one by one?

Beyond that, you can try changing how you have local info obtained (I think I mentioned that already). Alt-O > Connect > Local Info. Try host instead of IP or Normal instead of Server, or whatever. Try all of these combinations:


Btw, just as explanation, your router has NAT by the sound of it. That often can cause the IP info to be displayed incorrectly if not set up correctly. I had that problem originally, but changed the setup and haven't had the problem since.

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i'm using a cable connection. anyway i just tried it with undernet as you suggested as i have not thought about trying undernet and it does the same thing. So i guess it is an mirc problem on my end. If i can go into the java chat for MIRC with no problems,except when i get autokills then i can't get in that either,then it has to be an MIRC issue.

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paulgr Offline OP
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well as i mentioned i have set up and set up and set up my router 100x over with different options you have mentioned asd well as optins comcast and even local ip fixit places here in town. everything you mentioned,everything they mentioned,etc have failed 100% i can only get on it every few hours or so except the java chat on a site called gogloom. when i get on MIRC with that,almost 100% of the time it lets me in. but no one can access my fserve however. I just don't know what to do. everything you said though i have tried. If you had MSN or Paltalk or something we could chat one on one. then maybe we could figure out what the problem is,but i really have tried. it makes me want to bang my head on the table.

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Fjord artisan
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Paul, until you stop trying to anticipate everything everyone tells you, you're not going to get anything working correctly. Turn off the thinking and just do what you're told and, just like everyone else who has had the problems you have, and has done what they were told, you'll be working.

Follow Riamus' instructions. Go to portforward, find your router, pick mIRC DCC and follow every single thing they tell you to do - including setting a static IP. Don't argue, don't try to figure out how to do it better, or even why they're telling you to do what they're telling you to do - just do it. Precisely and exactly.

If you do, it'll work. If it doesn't work, you didn't follow the instructions precisely enough.

Thousands of people have DCC working in mIRC through the same router you're using, with the same provider, so if you can't get yours working it's you, not mIRC, not your router and not Comcast. You had it working once, so there's nothing wrong with the equipment or the software, just the setup.

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Hoopy frood
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I cant even work out what he wants to do, let alone what hes been doing to try and acheive it.

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paulgr Offline OP
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again FNar if you read above,i said "if you explain something on how to fix the problem and i do it,why say "ok you did it? ok i believe you. oh by the way do it" i did everything 100% 1000% even 10,000% the way you told me to do it. if i do it and i say i did it,the response should not be "do it" if i did it. it's like saying "come here a second" and i walk toward you and you say "no i said come here" does that make sense? no. because i'm walking toward you. if it does not work i do not know the problem is. If i could talk to someone one on one as i do it maybe i could show you that i'm doing what you say then you'll believe me. All i know is this is frustrating and i really hope to get this fixed as quick as possible. I have MSN and Paltalk so if you have those programs,we can get on those and talk this out one on one. unfortuneately i am getting autokills again so i don't think i can do it on MIRC. but whatever you think.

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Hoopy frood
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Rather than say what you have done , or what mehtodologies your trying, just say what you want to achive, becuase i still feel your first message was anything but clear.

So what is it that you want to do?
If need be state current hardware setups.

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paulgr Offline OP
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well everything that was said i did. i did the proxy thing,i did reconnecting over and over MIRC,tried going to Efnet and Undernet,etc. all these i tried but failed. i mentioned that a few times already though.

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Hoopy frood
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blah blah blah. Thats all i read then, why did you reply to me if u werent going to answer the question i put to you?

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Fjord artisan
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Dave, he can't dcc send - he's behind a NAT device. Standard stuff, I had him working at one point, about a month ago, then he changed something and it stopped working. He refuses to just do what he's being told, claiming that he did exactly what he was told but it didn't work. I won't make the obvious comments - you have enough experience to see them without my having to type them.

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paulgr Offline OP
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FNar i didn't change anything. if i did and saw it was not working i would have changed it back again. and i thought the reply was "i don't understand what you are trying to do. tell me what you have done then we'll go from there" i told you every step i did. and i'm not saying i did them. i did them. i'm not gonna go "ok do this in MIRC? ok. did it.didn't work" 1 second after being told. FNar if you believe i'm under a NAT device,then tell me what a NAT Device is and tell me step by step how to do it,because i've done everything so far. i even went as far as network connections/double clicking the local area connection/properties/tcp/ip /properties/filling out my info it ip number gateway,etc/close everything. then go to DHCP and disabling. i executed MIRC. still get connect...connect...connect... nothing. so i don't know.

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Hoopy frood
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State your hardware layout

like internet----cablemodem---router( band/model & ip )---pc( ip & mirc dcc ports ) or what ever it is.

From what i have seen of FNar's posts I have the feeling he knows what hes doing, so it might just be that your missed soemthing or hes forgotten something thats normally (99%) always set etc.

From what I understand right now your trying to get your mirc to be able to send files & initalte chat/fserv sessions (aka file server)

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paulgr Offline OP
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well the router is linksys wcg200-cc but i was already at portforward.com about 50 times and i know i set it up right according to the instructions. my computer is homemade from a company in alpharetta,Ga called CSI. my ISP is comcast.

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Hoopy frood
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IM going to assum you have no firewall running on the pc that is blocking anything, if u have ANY firewall running I suggest uninstalling it testing then if u get connected then sorting out the firewall, however proceed below on the grounds there is no firewall running.

Ok quick check list
(1) window > START > RUN > CMD > OK > IPCONFIG
IP = 192.168.x.y
Is this the IP you have forwareded the ports to?

(2) mirc > tools > options > connect > options > advanced
Start = X
Finish = Y
Are these the ports you forwarded in the router?

(3) Router > Security > Disable Firewall Protection >
Setting = Disable
Has this been done.

(4) Router > Security > Block Wan Requests >
Setting Disable
Has this been done. (i know it didnt say to do it but it does say to do it on other linksys models, although i never found the need before)

(5) Router > Status > Internet Connection >
IP Address = a.b.c.d
Is this your actual internet IP address or a lan ip such as 192.168.x.y or 10.0.x.y?

(6) Router > Applications & Gaming > Port Range Forwarding
There are no conflicting forwards to other Ip's?

(7) Router > Applications & Gaming > Port triggering
This is empty?

(8) Router > Applications & Gaming > DMZ
This is not on?

(9) Router > Applications & Gaming > DMZ
set on, and set IP to your PC's IP **** warning a firewall well be needed in the long term if this option is left in play ****

If none of these work email me ill tell you were to conenct to me or someoene else who can likely sort ya problem out, but do please check these first, as the same thing is likely to be asked of you by me or who ever might help you.

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paulgr Offline OP
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well 1 and 2 i have definitely done. not sure how to go to the remaining 7 steps though. the thing is on firewall. i have Windows Firewall but according to F'Nar when i was chatting with him on MIRC Help he said that wouldn't matter if it was on or off. which is true because as i mentioned before i had it on before i had the wireless modem/router put in and it worked fine. But the router has it's own firewall built in i understand but i don't know if it's that or not. no one seems to understand how to turn it off if it is that so... i don't know. by the way you keep saying "Router > etc etc" what do you mean? i don't have a folder or even an option in control panel called Router.

Last edited by paulgr; 08/10/06 03:24 PM.
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Hoopy frood
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You have to go into your router setup screen. The same location you forward ports. Open Internet Explorer and type (or whatever your router tells you to use). It will ask for a password. Sometimes, you just type admin for username and nothing for password. Sometimes anything for username and admin for password. Your router manual will tell you, or someone who has that router can tell you. Portforward may even tell you. After you get into the router setup screen, you can follow the steps DaveC told you to do.

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well the only thing i saw on my comcast page is the port forward stuff but i can try one more time. If i need help,please post here with a reply on what i should do.

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ok i was just there. as i thought,nothing was there that you described. and the thing you mentioned,router manual,i never recieved one. when he came and set it up and stuff i saw the box it came i and i saw a CD and instruction book but he never left it with me. i told comcast that twice but they never acted on it,or if they did they acted like it was not necessary. So i am just stumped on what to do frown

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Hoopy frood
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well 1 and 2 i have definitely done. not sure how to go to the remaining 7 steps though. the thing is on firewall. i have Windows Firewall but according to F'Nar when i was chatting with him on MIRC Help he said that wouldn't matter if it was on or off. which is true because as i mentioned before i had it on before i had the wireless modem/router put in and it worked fine. But the router has it's own firewall built in i understand but i don't know if it's that or not. no one seems to understand how to turn it off if it is that so... i don't know. by the way you keep saying "Router > etc etc" what do you mean? i don't have a folder or even an option in control panel called Router.

The default gateway is the routers IP
Run internet explorer and enter the gateway IP in the address bar
This should take you to the linksys wcg200 settings web interface page (in the router) and this should look like the pages shown here.

If these pages are not present it is becuase comecast have flashed the router with there own firmware, this may limit/destroy any chance you have to doing whats needed, you could attempt to flash it with the correct firmware from linksys, but dont count on it!

I had a ssumed you had a normal linksys modem as you did not state before that the portforward websites instructions for the router did not match.

if "the thing is on firewall" refered to a router firewall then it liekly needs to be off, portforward states the linksys needs it off.

********* TURN WINDOWS FIRE WALL OFF **********
Your got a router its got firewalling built in by the share nature it doesnt forward ports unless u tell it to, that is beyuond any actual firewalling codeware in it.
And if u dont want to turn it off then Xp firewall needs the mirc dcc ports pinhold through the fire wall.

I wouldnt be suprised if the problem has been that windows firewall was on and blocked the ports.

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well again that ip address shown goes to my comcast page which has different screenshots then what you stated. There's no way to go to linksys and configure it there as i have tried calling linksys and they told me that it's confugured locally at comcast. If you look at port forward there is a comcast section on it and that takes you to MIRC. here are the screenshots i have on these links: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Comcast/WCG200-CC/mIRC_Auth-IdentD.htm

on line one i have this set: line 1:Application Name: Mirc.exe port 113- 113 protocol: Both the 192.168 ip address and check under enabled. Line 2: DCC 6000-7000 Protocol Both: the 192.168 ip address and check under enabled.

I have had it like this since i learned about the port forwarding page,but still having problems. I even have MIRC as 113 port and range of 6000-7000 but still having problems.

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Hoopy frood
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ok, sorry i missed seeing there was a comcast set of routers, i saw u say linksys and so looked up the model there, u well notice all the extra options, that might be in the technical setup (might not be to), by the look of that lot they have just altered the firmware on the router, (those comcast pages are in the router).

Anyway, heres what ya can do, set up the 113 for ident (make sure the ident option in mircs on as well else thats not ever gonna get used anyway)
Ansd set up your forwarded ports, i doubt you need 1001 of them, i would suggest something like 6001-6020 20 should be fine for any one.

Anyway what ever ports u forward, i suggest you next go here https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 this is a websiote that scans you to see what ports you have open, select the port range 6001-6020 (or what ever u selected in the end for dcc ports) and do a custom port scan, i suspect you well find there all stealthed. AKA a firewall is still in effect.

Assuming that happnes go to the router and setup DMZ to your lan IP (this is essentialy saying forward ports 1 to 65535 to this ip) aka all ports forwarded to this IP. AND remove the portforwards u had, as they might conflict, so all u got is the DMZ, then hit that firewalling website again and check your ports, and common ports, if they all still appear to be stealthed, i would suggest its (1) the pc is firewalled still, or (2) the routers stuffed and ask your isp for another one.

Heres something you can do if u got more than one pc
start pc1 up and run mirc logon to a server, on pc 1 type in /LOCALINFO -h wait 5 seconds then type in //echo -a $ip it should reply with the 192.168.x.y ip
start pc2 up and run mirc logon to same server
goto pc1 and type /dcc chat PC2mircnick to chat to nick on pc2, this is using the internal lan ip so does not need forwarding from the router, if the server can not connect it is due to a firewall issue most likely on PC1

^ the above might also be able to be done on one PC using two copies of mirc running (not sure about that, havent got mirc here to try on sorry)

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well again i only have 1 pc. and secondly i think the only thing there under DMZ is my computer name. According to Comcast at one point,they said i was supposed to remove my computer name by selecting "connected Computers" then click "add" on the right. those are the only thing i can do at DMZ on the page. nothing to click other then those 2 options. and it's true that the site you recommended said it was stealth. This is just complicated. i shouldn't be having this much trouble.

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Hoopy frood
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You would be much better off getting a new router that isn't set up by Comcast. Just pick up any router (I personally like Linksys routers) and then you can follow the normal router setup information without messing with how Comcast set things up in the router. Of course, that costs you money to do.

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DMZ to the pc using the computer name, the router well internally resolve that to the Ip of the pc.

Did you try while using 2 mircs on the same machine?

Here is a disturbing possability as well, since DMZ is resolving to the machine name rather than an IP, it might be that you can not have static lan/pc ips under the comcast router, it might refuse to forward to anything that is not dhcping its Ip from the router (i have seen this in non linksys models, netburst or netgear i think it was), however since your the only pc behind it the router "should" always issue the same ip to the pc, as it well take the first dhcp ip on offer, meaning you could still forward to it, Is the PC ip Static (set in the actual pc) or dynamic but is returning the same value all the time?

As Riamus2 has said already I suggest you try a alternative router.

Last edited by DaveC; 11/10/06 01:12 AM.
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well it's always the same IP address. and i can get on MSN Messenger,Paltalk,everything perfectly. so if MIRC doesn't work,saying "i'll get another router won't solve the issue. because in order for the Router to be like you said,MSN would have to not work,Paltalk would have to not work,even my anti-virus updater from the net would have to malfunction. they don't. so if only one program i have,MIRC,causes this issue,why does it have to be a faulty router? i'm sorry i'm just confused on all of this. but anyway as i stated i can get in MIRC at times,but occasionally i get disconnected,or i have to leave,or whatever and if i get disconnected just once,it takes me 20 minutes an hour even all day to get on. this time around it's taken me 2-3 days to get on. I'm out of options and i don't think i'm ever going to get it resolved frown

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Self-satisified door
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Hi everybody. Sorry to add fuel to the fire, but I would greatly appreciate some help along the same lines. I have gone through this thread and done everything as instructed, but I simply cannot connect to *most* IRC servers (Undernet and EFnet are fine, though I can't connect to anything else via mIRC).

I checked all 9 of DaveC's recommendations and my system is setup for all of them. I also went to https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 and I ran into a problem. All of my ports checked out fine (in stealth mode), except two -- 113 (which I will assume is the problem) and 5000 (UPnP) -- which are both closed. This has me curious: in my Linksys settings under Port Range Forwarding, this port is listed (under both protocols, for my IP address, and it clicked 'Enable'). I have saved numerous times and scanned on the website again, but it still shows as closed. Any suggestions as to why this might be doing this?

For what it's worth, it usually gets a response from the server, but I never get far enough for the chan box to pop up. It often just stops after the general 'welcome' message (stating which chanmodes, cmds, etc. are allowed on the server).

Last edited by badnick; 11/10/06 08:30 AM.
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Hoopy frood
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Does it disconnect after the welcome message? Or does it just stop? If it stops, try: /join #help

If that works, then you are connecting fine and the channel popup box is just not showing up.

Port 113 is probably being blocked by a firewall if it's forwarded properly on your computer.

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personally i am getting the channel popup box problem as well. it only lets me in the room with punch server then any other server. sometimes it pops up on swiftco but it won't let me in though. but oh well frown

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I'm still unable to join channels on the server unless it connects completely. All firewalls are disabled (both on my computer and on the router/modem). What doesn't seem to make sense, based on everything I've read, is this: when I disable forwarding port 113 to my IP address on the Linksys setup, it shows up as being in Stealth mode on the aforementioned website (^) and as Closed when it is being forwarded (enabled). I tried randomly connecting to the server list on mIRC; I was able to make successful connections on about 30-40% of them, but the rest (including each of the ones I actually want to connect to!) aren't working.

Any other suggestions?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Do you have a current servers.ini file? Many servers on older servers.ini files are no longer active. For that matter, some networks may no longer be active, depending how old your file is.

Other than that, I have no solution for you. Your problem does sound related to port 113 if a particular network requires you to identify with that port rather than letting you on even if you don't identify. As for why it appears to be working backwards in your router, I'm not sure. If you are running multiple computers, are you certain that you are not trying to forward the port to more than one computer?

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Yes, I have verified (on numerous occasions) that it is being forwarded to my computer/IP address instead of someone else's. My servers.ini file is recent and I am certain the servers to which I want to connect are listed correctly.

For what it's worth, here is how we're set up -- it's a wireless modem with four slots for wired connections. Two of the wired slots are in use (on my computer and on the computer in the room in which the modem is installed); also, five others are using the wireless connection. I am wired because it is set up in a large, old house and the signal strength is simply inadequate in my room, so I am connected through an ethernet cable running outside of the house.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would probably try disconnecting the router temporarily and connect your computer directly to your modem. This will tell you if the problem is with the router, or if it's somewhere else. It's true that you could have multiple problems, but this will help you to figure out where the problem may be located. You can always connect everything back up again afterwards.

As another thought... some modems have a router built into them. If yours does, that could be an issue as well.

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#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Yes, this is a modem/router combination. Linksys WCG200 version 2. Website -> http://www.bizrate.com/cabledsl_wirelessmodems/pid11297372/

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In that case, you will have to forward that built-in router to your wireless router properly and then from there to your computer. Or, if it's possible to set your modem's router as DMZ, that would probably be the easiest as you don't need multiple routers blocking ports for protection.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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113 showing a closed is GOOD

It means it has been forwarded from ther router to the pc (assuming you forwarded it to the right pc), it simply means nothing is responding to the hail on 113, but the hail was recieved.
Stealth means the hail was not even (apparently) received (which normally means its not forwarded in the router)

Your specific reasons for not connecting im unsure on, but port 113 is used it ident from mirc, u need to check if the IDENT server under options is enabled.
This server/device simply replies to a hail from the irc server your conencting to and says , yeah yeah that me, and the irc server normally taks the ~ of your address which is in the format nick!~ident@address.com so it becomes nick!ident@address.com, most irc servers that dont get a ident responce from you, just conenct u anyway after around 20 seconds.

If you cant even start getting connected , sounds like you might have an outbound port blocked, or you ned to flush the dns cache, do do the second is simple windows > start > run > IPCONFIG /flushDNS > OK

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You cant be helped, you refuse to listen to possable solutions, denying them out of hand based on shakey logic. Just becuase some aplications well work fine does not mean all aplications well work fine, some aplications requerer NO port forwards the ones you specied dont, i know becuase i have had them runing and i dont have any setup for them, and the updater is just a web/ftp download whcih is even simplier. So saying "the bridge is not out, becuase i can still phone people on the other side of the river" doesnt really proof the bridge is not out.

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paulgr Offline OP
Vogon poet
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Vogon poet
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well as i stated before,and it's on the same lines of what you said,i did(meaning you:do it me:*me doing it* ok i did it but it didn't work.) the stuff you suggested. i'm not just gonna stare at the screen then go "ok i did it". that's like if you were standing next to me right now and said "go to start-run-cmd" then i went to start-run-cmd,you'd go "no i didn't say go to start-run-cmd,i said start-run-cmd." makes no sense. i admit i have a learning problem but if i misunderstood what you said,i'd simply ask,not say i did it if i didn't. but anyway,i think it's fixed now anyway.

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