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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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it would be nice if mIRC would include a visual file browser (i.e. the iconic tree structure of folders & files found in windows explorer & most ftp programs) instead of this much more difficult DOS file server. i run a fserve in #philosophy & i have to explain how to use a fserve to over half the people who use it. i should make the welcome file an explanation for how to use it, but right now i use the welcome file for other things. (sure i could make it one long welcome file, but it shouldn't require so much reading to download some files). i think mIRC should get itself out of the DOS ages.  - lakitu
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Mircs abilitry to share files is a sideline to its main purpose, CHATING, which is pretty much the interface used by the fserver.
If your really wanting to stop having to show people how to download your files, suggest to them that they get a mirc extention script like "Invision" which has a visual fileserver explorer as part of it.
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Mircs abilitry to share files is a sideline to its main purpose, CHATING, which is pretty much the interface used by the fserver. i think if a program is going to include a feature, it should make it user friendly. If your really wanting to stop having to show people how to download your files, suggest to them that they get a mirc extention script like "Invision" which has a visual fileserver explorer as part of it. well here's my point, i think it should be built-in to mIRC, since it's a basic nicety that i'd like to see in it. i don't want everyone to have to go install a script just to download my flies. i am trying to streamline the process.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i think if a program is going to include a feature, it should make it user friendly. The fserver dcc chat is as user friendly as it needs to be, if people are just to stupid to read what to do, and cant master the art of I want file ABC i need to go GET ABC, then no level of user frioendly interface is going to save them. i don't want everyone to have to go install a script just to download my flies. While i am not a supporter of the anti-filesharing league of mirc, i dont think having mirc turned into a p2p-share inviroment would in anyway be a good thing either. While mirc has a fserver and thus can share files, it is very limited in its fserver features, i dont see the reson a fserver explorer would be justified to meet these limited sharing features. i am trying to streamline the process. If u want to stream line the process I suggest you use, somnething other than mirc fserve maybe a ftp or if u want to stay with mirc as the underlying platform, then use triggered requests, like "/MSG YOU give me filename" and it does so. PS: Just wondering if your using a fileserver script or if your relying on mircs fserve alone?
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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i am using a script, it's not that hard for me, it's just hard for some of the people in Undernet #Philosophy who have either never used DOS or don't remember how. besides, there are bonus features with the file explorer. you can easily queue up several files or even folders (can't do folders now at all) in one fell swoop. you can easily navigate the folders, etc. there's a good reason we switched from DOS to Windows over the course of OS's. btw, i am not trading illegal warez on mIRC, i'm trading out-of-copyright philosophical texts from ancient greece etc. it would just help me perform my service to this community of philosophically inclined people if i didn't have to explain to some of them how to get these texts. you can just say "too bad" to me, but i'm not going to say "too bad" to them, i'm going to post a feature suggestion about it.  - lakitu
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Nothing wrong with your suggestion, however, looking at the wider userbase of mIRC it would be a bad idea to support such a feature. Enhancing mIRC's file serving features in such a way would cause problems, it would just help fuel the fires of the "mIRC is not for file sharing" debates.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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it's just hard for some of the people in Undernet #Philosophy who have either never used DOS or don't remember how If its hard for them to to master a few commands like DIR, CD <folder>, CD .., GET <filename> I really wonder how they even managed to get to the fileserver anyway. besides, there are bonus features with the file explorer. you can easily queue up several files or even folders (can't do folders now at all) in one fell swoop. Since mircs fserve functions dont support queuing files, i dont see how having an fserver explorer that lets you select lots of files is going to help that. 3rd party scripted fserve extentions allow the idea of queuing files, and since each and every one of these brings back a different responce to the act of queueing I would think it quite hard to build an fserver explorer that does anything more than current scripted ones do now (blind requests) you can easily navigate the folders, etc. Actually its not as easy as you would think since there is little to let an fserver explorer know what is a folder and what might not be, I have seen mean a person enter "CD Sysreset" and other such statements. there's a good reason we switched from DOS to Windows over the course of OS's. Yeah microsoft wanted a bigger cut of the market * lastely i would say use a feature like the in channel (or pm) !request <nick> <file> to allow quick and easy file downloads.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Enhancing mIRC's file serving features in such a way would cause problems, it would just help fuel the fires of the "mIRC is not for file sharing" debates. Man is that all you ever think about? I bet you have nitemares about it don't you, waking up in cold sweats screaming out PEOPLE, MIRC ISN'T A FILE SHARING PROGRAM!!!!!  Aaaaanyway, I disagree with this suggestion as well, just not for the same reason as yours.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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* lastely i would say use a feature like the in channel (or pm) !request <nick> <file> to allow quick and easy file downloads.
I have to agree this is really a better solution to "improving" fserves. It should be little effort to make a list of the files you have using the findfile command (one would guess they are all in the same format and in the same directory making this even easier) and setting up a simple remote to deal with the on *:text:!request *:#philosophy:{While it would be visually attractive to have the icons and so on of the explorer interface, it isnt needed in what is essentially a chat program, and is easily scripted to be simpler than a fserve for those in #philosophy.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What? Please, unless you have something constructive to post, don't post it.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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mIRC, along with most other IRC clients, have always had that DOSie command line feeling to them, a feeling I like. I think its easier my self to type commands than to spend the time taking my hands off the keyboard, putting them on the mouse, and then putting them back on the keyboards again. If your sharing files over a text based medium, i would think that you would use text to access them.