i am using a script, it's not that hard for me, it's just hard for some of the people in Undernet #Philosophy who have either never used DOS or don't remember how. besides, there are bonus features with the file explorer. you can easily queue up several files or even folders (can't do folders now at all) in one fell swoop. you can easily navigate the folders, etc. there's a good reason we switched from DOS to Windows over the course of OS's.

btw, i am not trading illegal warez on mIRC, i'm trading out-of-copyright philosophical texts from ancient greece etc. it would just help me perform my service to this community of philosophically inclined people if i didn't have to explain to some of them how to get these texts. you can just say "too bad" to me, but i'm not going to say "too bad" to them, i'm going to post a feature suggestion about it. smile

- lakitu