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#13484 27/02/03 11:41 PM
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Ameglian cow
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I reconnect when I am disconnected from my server(isp), which means I have to wait for my nick to time out, then the timer to change my nick back.
I was wondering if anyone new how to make a script, or if it was possible, so that when my main nick has quit, my nick is changed straight away, kind like:
MrMagooba = Quit
/nick MrMagooba
Loop howerver long (1000??).
(I don't know how to make scripts for mIRC yet)
But that relies on the quit for mrmagooba beign recognised.
So if it isn't, is there a way to add a bit of code to the Quit message that would either change my nick back as soon as it has quit (ping timeout or whatever) or to set a state or something that the loop will pick up and issue the command in mIRC to change my nick.

Thanks for any help

#13485 27/02/03 11:58 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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you might wanna look at on DISCONNECT for this. Something like the code below should work....note....this code is not tested:
nick the_nick_you_wanna_change_to

just change the_nick_you_wanna_change_to to whatever nick it is ya want it to change to when ya get disconnected.

keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks
To peek; peep.
#13486 28/02/03 12:14 AM
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what do I do with that?
Do I put it in a file (? filename.mrc ?) and load it and see if it works?

(I'm not talking about a manual disconnect btw, when I leave the computer, it disconnects and reconnects itself and it rejoins the channels)

#13487 28/02/03 01:28 AM
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put it in your remotes. press and hold the ctrl key and punch the r button , this will bring up the mirc editor to your remotes file. when that is open put the code i gave you in, and press OK.

then the next time you get disconnected...NOT quit/exit, but disconnected....your nick will change to whatever y ou put in the code

keek: Scots - intr.v. keeked, keekĀ·ing, keeks
To peek; peep.
#13488 28/02/03 05:26 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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First of all no need to post the same question in different places. Second of all my reply is in the other forum. If it works for ya great. Just so that you know...

#13489 28/02/03 02:32 PM
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Yea, sorry, I put it in the mIRC Help topic and realised I should really have been here, spose I could have deleted/edited it.

Thanks for your help - time to test smile

#13490 28/02/03 10:52 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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No biggie...good luck

#13491 01/03/03 01:03 AM
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Just a quickie:
going by the fact that to do something on the quit occurance, you type something like
on *:quit: { blah blah }
would I be right in thing that to do something when I get voice, a bit of code like
on *:voice: if $nick == MrMagooba { blah blah }

Thanks for any pointers.

#13492 01/03/03 01:26 AM
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Don't worry about that, I have made it myself, simple!

on *:voice:#channelname:{ what to do }


any better way of doing it?

#13493 01/03/03 01:39 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well what exactly are you trying to accomplish with the "on voice"?

#13494 01/03/03 02:02 AM
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Ameglian cow
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An addon to get me op's doesn't seem to be working, so this is to get myself op'd straight away
{ msg Arsebra OP MrMagooba }
I suppose I could ad a bit like
if $nick == MrMagooba {}
but dunno if I will, what you think?

What I will as though, is:
How do I select the nick that has been voiced, not the nick that is doing the voicing?

Last edited by mrmagooba; 01/03/03 03:16 AM.
#13495 01/03/03 03:58 PM
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#13496 01/03/03 04:56 PM
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Ameglian cow
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Ameglian cow
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I found that out after looking at the mIRC FAQ, and it works. Thanks anyways.

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