Forgot such a feature existed, had to search for it even

Current timer: 23956:01:26 -> 2y8m25d, would be online since 28/01/2003 if it were 100% uptime
Last reset on: Thu Sep 05 23:36:42 2002 -> 3y1m16d
The big advantage of using mIRC on WinMe: everytime Windows crashes, you can ctrl-alt-del and kill everything but mIRC and then /run explorer to get your desktop and taskbar back

Haven't needed that feature since WinXP though.
Got my cable modem end November 1999, so I guess I installed a new mIRC instead of copying the old version in September 2002. Probably after a Linux experiment

Must have taken me at least a year before I decided to keep my pc running 24/7 to get rid of that daily waiting for it to boot.
Oh well, </nostalgic>
ps: if you don't believe any of this, don't click
here because it can be forged too