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#12769 24/02/03 02:01 AM
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loisel Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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I am trying to figure out my problem with mirc. I've been trying to dcc to people, and at some point I actually got the chat to work (although it might have been with version 6.02.) I now have version 6.03.

I've configured mirc (in File/Options.../Dcc/Options) to use a range of ports (under Dcc Ports, First is 4950 and Last is 5000.) In a previous test, I also used 8133 to 8160. I've also configured my router to forward the relevant port to the correct machine. I know that my router is doing this properly because I've been able to use other services that require port forwarding such as Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 on Battle.net and high-id on emule/edonkey. At some point I also had identd going to my windows box, but now my Linux box is answering ident requests. This router is a Linux server that I administer.

When I try to dcc send to someone, they usually get a strange request. I ssh'd into a remote linux box, and fired up the irc client, then dcc'd from mirc to the remote linux box (cran.seul.org.) My home network is a completely different nat'ed network.

When I do /dcc send ZedCoke c:\zed.rar in mirc from home, the dcc send window pops up, and the cran.seul.org box receives the dcc request:

-ZedPepsi- DCC Send Zed.rar (
*** DCC SEND (Zed.rar 536017) request received from ZedPepsi

The strange thing is the port number. I tried it a second time, this is what I got:

-ZedPepsi- DCC Send Zed.rar (
*** DCC SEND (Zed.rar 536017) request received from ZedPepsi

Why is mirc trying to send on ports above 64000 when I asked it to use ports 4950 through 5000?

I might just have misconfigured something, if so please steer me in the right direction. I've looked at other posts about configuring mirc and the router, and I haven't been able to fix my problem.


Sebastien Loisel

#12770 24/02/03 04:18 AM
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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I've got the exact same problem at the moment - I don't know how to fix it

I have had the same problem on mIRC 6.03 clean, mirc6.03+sysreset and mirc6.02+wapscript.

I have configured the dcc options to use ports 4000-4005 for DCC yet, when i set up the debug stream '/debug -p @debug', I can see:

-> irc.secsup.org NOTICE fatal_4 : DCC Chat (
-> irc.secsup.org PRIVMSG fatal_4 : DCC CHAT chat 3420012646 3473

(ie: it is using port 3473). I can verify that because I see a hit to port 3473 on my firewall from the client who is trying to connect to my DCC chat.

Similarly, all DCC file sends do not work either.

any help with this would be much appreciated.

#12771 24/02/03 04:23 AM
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Bowl of petunias
Bowl of petunias
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In addition, here is the relevant debug lines when i do a DCC file send (which also does not work)

-> irc.secsup.org NOTICE Fatal_4 : DCC Send 2003-02-18_15-14_abc.rar (
-> irc.secsup.org PRIVMSG Fatal_4 : DCC SEND 2003-02-18_15-14_abc.rar 3420012646 3501 34855

You can see that it is using port 3501 for that request.

#12772 26/02/03 10:20 AM
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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You have loaded an IRC module that monitors all IRC traffic looking for DCC Sends. It automatically changes the IP and Port in the request. Your LAN IP is replaced with the public IP, and the linux box opens its own port, and replaces the port with that port in the DCC Request. It then keeps track of where it should forward the incoming connection. When the recipient accepts, he connects to your public IP (i.e. linux box), and it connects to you, and forwards all traffic. To make it all work, switch your IP Lookup method to Normal, and everything should be transparent to your mIRC. Note that the most common implementation of this module breaks DCC Resumes, so you'll want to make sure you have the latest version, or disable it altogether and use straight port forwarding.


#12773 27/02/03 11:38 PM
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loisel Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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You're right.

ls[root@zed /root]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ip_masq_irc             1664   0  (unused)
ip_masq_raudio          3040   0  (unused)
ip_masq_ftp             4320   0  (unused)
ne2k-pci                4752   1  (autoclean)
8390                    6144   0  (autoclean) [ne2k-pci]
rtl8139                12432   1  (autoclean)

There it is, ip_masq_irc. I shoulda thunk of it, thanks for the pointer. I even remember loading that module myself.

Sebastien Loisel

#12774 05/11/03 12:40 PM
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I actually have this same problem, but I'm not using a Linux router, and I did not load any such modules as they talk in this thread.

#12775 28/09/04 04:33 PM
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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then how can i solve this problem in a windows environment?
im using this router: http://www.sweex.com/product.asp?pid=302

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