Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 8
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Mar 2005
Posts: 8 |
can sumone fix this for me, im having trouble with the checkboxes
menu channel {
AwaY System: /dialog -md away away
dialog away {
title " _-= Away System =-_"
size -1 -1 124 119
option dbu
edit "", 1, 27 16 69 10
edit "", 2, 27 44 69 10
text "Away Nick", 3, 49 4 25 8
text "Away Message", 4, 42 32 39 8
check "Logger", 5, 6 65 36 10
check "Pager", 6, 6 78 26 10
icon 7, 27 102 68 9,
button "Away", 8, 43 63 37 12
button "Back", 9, 43 82 37 12
on *:dialog:away:init:* {
if (%away.log == on) { did -c $dname 5 }
if (%pager == on) { did -c $dname 6 }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8: {
if ($away == $true) { echo -a *** You Are Already Away }
else {
set %currentnick $me
set %away on
set %awaynick $did(awdia,1).text
set %awaymsg $did(awdia,2,).text
set %away.time $ctime
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11A10wª11y 10±11†10±11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %awaynick
away %awaymsg
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9: {
if (%away == off) { echo -a ***You Are Not Away }
else {
set %away off
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11B10ªc11k 10±11†10± 11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10±11†10±11 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %currentnick
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:5:{
if $did(5) {
if ($did(5).state == 1) { set %away.log on }
elseif ($did(5).state == 0) { set %away.log off }
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if (%away.log == on) {
IF ($me isin $1- || %awaynick isin $1-) {
IF ($away == $true) {
if (!$window(@Away.log)) { window -l @Away.log 200 200 630 200 Arial 12 }
aline -c15 @Away.log :: $+ $time $+ :: $+ $chan $+ :: < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:6:{
if $did(6) {
if ($did(6).state == 1) { set %pager on }
elseif ($did(6).state == 0) { set %pager off }
ctcp *:page:*: {
if (%pager == on) && ($away == $true) {
.notice $nick > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547
Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 3,547 |
Hi Exodus, I've added/removed a few portions of your code some IF statements that were unecessary. Below is your code and below that is my code. The parts in red have been added and the parts in blue have been removed.
menu channel {
AwaY System: /dialog -md away away
dialog away {
title " _-= Away System =-_"
size -1 -1 124 119
option dbu
edit "", 1, 27 16 69 10
edit "", 2, 27 44 69 10
text "Away Nick", 3, 49 4 25 8
text "Away Message", 4, 42 32 39 8
check "Logger", 5, 6 65 36 10
check "Pager", 6, 6 78 26 10
icon 7, 27 102 68 9,
button "Away", 8, 43 63 37 12
button "Back", 9, 43 82 37 12
on *:dialog:away:init:* {
if (%away.log == on) { did -c $dname 5 }
if (%pager == on) { did -c $dname 6 }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8: {
if ($away == $true) { echo -a *** You Are Already Away [color:red]| return[/color] }
[color:blue]else {[/color]
set %currentnick $me
set %away on
set %awaynick $did([color:red]awdia[/color],1).text
set %awaymsg $did([color:red]awdia[/color],2[color:blue],[/color]).text
set %away.time $ctime
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11A10wª11y 10±11†10±11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %awaynick
away %awaymsg
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9: {
if (%away == off) { echo -a ***You Are Not Away [color:red]| return[/color] }
[color:blue]else {[/color]
set %away off
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11B10ªc11k 10±11†10± 11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10±11†10±11 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %currentnick
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:5:{
[color:blue]if $did(5) {[/color]
if ($did(5).state == 1) { set %away.log on }
elseif ($did(5).state == 0) { set %away.log off }
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if (%away.log == on) {
IF ($me isin $1- || %awaynick isin $1-) {
IF ($away == $true) {
if (!$window(@Away.log)) { window -l @Away.log 200 200 630 200 Arial 12 }
aline -c15 @Away.log :: $+ $time $+ :: $+ $chan $+ :: < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:6:{
[color:blue]if $did(6) {[/color]
if ($did(6).state == 1) { set %pager on }
elseif ($did(6).state == 0) { set %pager off }
ctcp *:page:*: {
if (%pager == on) && ($away == $true) {
.notice $nick > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-
if $did(5) and if $did(6) was removed because you already gave reference to clicking that button here: on 1:dialog:away:sclick:5: { } on 1:dialog:away:sclick:6: { } Final code:
menu channel {
AwaY System: /dialog -md away away
dialog away {
title " _-= Away System =-_"
size -1 -1 124 119
option dbu
edit "", 1, 27 16 69 10
edit "", 2, 27 44 69 10
text "Away Nick", 3, 49 4 25 8
text "Away Message", 4, 42 32 39 8
check "Logger", 5, 6 65 36 10
check "Pager", 6, 6 78 26 10
icon 7, 27 102 68 9,
button "Away", 8, 43 63 37 12
button "Back", 9, 43 82 37 12
on *:dialog:away:init:* {
if (%away.log == on) { did -c $dname 5 }
if (%pager == on) { did -c $dname 6 }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8: {
if ($away == $true) { echo -a *** You Are Already Away | return }
set %currentnick $me
set %away on
set %awaynick $did(away,1).text
set %awaymsg $did(away,2).text
set %away.time $ctime
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11A10wª11y 10±11†10±11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %awaynick
away %awaymsg
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9: {
if (%away == off) { echo -a *** You Are Not Away | return }
set %away off
amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11B10ªc11k 10±11†10± 11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10±11†10±11 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time)) 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
nick %currentnick
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:5:{
if ($did(5).state == 1) { set %away.log on }
elseif ($did(5).state == 0) { set %away.log off }
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if (%away.log == on) {
IF ($me isin $1- || %awaynick isin $1-) {
IF ($away == $true) {
if (!$window(@Away.log)) { window -l @Away.log 200 200 630 200 Arial 12 }
aline -c15 @Away.log :: $+ $time $+ :: $+ $chan $+ :: < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:6:{
if ($did(6).state == 1) { set %pager on }
elseif ($did(6).state == 0) { set %pager off }
ctcp *:page:*: {
if (%pager == on) && ($away == $true) {
.notice $nick > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-
Last edited by SladeKraven; 27/03/05 05:50 PM.