can sumone fix this for me, im having trouble with the checkboxes
menu channel {
  AwaY System: /dialog -md away away
dialog away {
  title "  _-= Away System  =-_"
  size -1 -1 124 119
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 27 16 69 10
  edit "", 2, 27 44 69 10
  text "Away Nick", 3, 49 4 25 8
  text "Away Message", 4, 42 32 39 8
  check "Logger", 5, 6 65 36 10
  check "Pager", 6, 6 78 26 10
  icon 7, 27 102 68 9, 
  button "Away", 8, 43 63 37 12
  button "Back", 9, 43 82 37 12
on *:dialog:away:init:* {
  if (%away.log == on) { did -c $dname 5 }
  if (%pager == on) { did -c $dname 6 }
on *:dialog:away:sclick:8: {
  if ($away == $true) { echo -a *** You Are Already Away }
  else {
    set %currentnick $me
    set %away on
    set %awaynick $did(awdia,1).text
    set %awaymsg $did(awdia,2,).text
    set %away.time $ctime
    amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11A10wª11y 10±11†10±11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
    nick %awaynick
    away %awaymsg 
on *:dialog:away:sclick:9: {
  if (%away == off) { echo -a ***You Are Not Away }
  else {
    set %away off
    amsg 10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10» 11B10ªc11k 10±11†10± 11 $+ %awaymsg $+ 10±11†10±11 $duration($calc($ctime - %away.time))  10«11º10¦11†10¦11º10»
    nick %currentnick
  on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:5:{
    if $did(5) {
      if ($did(5).state == 1) { set %away.log on } 
      elseif ($did(5).state == 0) { set %away.log off } 
  on *:TEXT:*:#: {
    if (%away.log == on) {
      IF ($me isin $1- || %awaynick isin $1-) { 
        IF ($away == $true) { 
          if (!$window(@Away.log)) { window -l @Away.log 200 200 630 200 Arial 12 }
          aline -c15 @Away.log :: $+ $time $+ ::  $+ $chan $+ :: < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
  on 1:DIALOG:Away:sclick:6:{
    if $did(6) {
      if ($did(6).state == 1) { set %pager on } 
      elseif ($did(6).state == 0) { set %pager off } 
  ctcp *:page:*: {
    if (%pager == on) && ($away == $true) {
      .notice $nick   > Hello. Since you paged me, I'm probably busy or away for a while. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
      echo -at ** [ You have been PAGED by $nick ] $address on $fulldate
      write $scriptdir\page.txt paged by : $nick $address $fulldate MSG : $2-