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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Does any one know the remote for clones so when i right click on the nick that it shows its clones if any
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Theres a ton of them... try doing a search for clones and i promise you will get more results than you will ever need. 
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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i mean when you click on someones nick dpending what script yuo have it says info,whois etc. but i want it also to show colnes there if that nick has any. I know yuo can see clones with cone scaner
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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menu nicklist {
$iif($me !isop $chan,$style(6) Scan $$1,Scan $$1): {
if ($ial == $false) {
.ial on
if ($chan($chan).ial == $false) {
who $chan
var %x = $ialchan($address($$1,2),$chan,0)
if ($ialchan($address($$1,2),$chan,0) >= 1) {
echo -a There is $ialchan($address($$1,2),$chan,0) user(s) in $chan with that host.
while (%x) {
inc %clones
echo -a %clones $+ . $ialchan($address($$1,2),$chan,%x).nick ( $+ $ialchan($address($$1,2),$chan,%x).addr $+ )
dec %x
unset %clones
There is 2 user(s) in #Andy with that host. 1. Test (andy@=KGzsab36-555-238-419.range81-155.btcentralplus.com) 2. SladeKraven (andy@=KGzsab36-555-238-419.range81-155.btcentralplus.com)
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Now i once used a pre written script which when a user join the channel ie. [ 21:59:42 ] · · Joins :Skeletor [ Skeletor@sg-24545.ntl.com ] [Clone:Pearl ] [Last Nick: Skelatin] I would like to incoporate that into my IRC client, The most i can do is [ 21:59:42 ] · · Joins :Skeletor [ Skeletor@sg-24545.ntl.com ] Now searching for clones in #Channel Clones: Pearl & Skeletor: @sg-24545.ntl.com Clonescan took 0 seconds. Which is okay but i removed it because it was filling my screen with the delayed clone scanners because of the busy channel And another thing, on *:op:*: now i also see there are on ^!:op:*: and many other types of "op" referances, how does this work? Any ideas?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Maybe this on *^:join:#:{
var %i = 1,%a,%b = $gettok($hget(lastnicks,$site),1,32)
while $ialchan($1,$2,%i).nick { %a = %a $v1 | inc %i }
; %a is set all nicks from $site
if %b && $v1 != $nick { %b = [Last Nick: $v1 $+ ] } | else var %b
; if <lastnick> is the current nick it will not be shown
if $remtok(%a,$nick,32) { %a = [Clones: $v1 $+ ] } | else var %a
; check if there are any clones to display
echo -tic join # · · Joins $nick $+([,$address,] %a %b
hadd -m lastnicks $site $nick $ctime
; update hash table
.timerlastnick 1 3 hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
; save hash table, timer so it isn't saved multiple times if multiple joins
on *:nick:{
; Update hash table
hadd lastnicks $site $newnick $ctime
on *:disconnect:{
hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
on *:start:{
hmake lastnicks 10
; Makes table
if $isfile(lastnicks.hsh) { hload lastnicks lastnicks.hsh }
; loads table entries
var %i = 1,%a
while $hget(lastnicks,%i).item {
; loop all entries
%a = $v1
if $gettok($hget(lastnicks,%a),2,32) < $calc($ctime - 604800) { hdel lastnicks %a }
; delete entries not used for more than one week - adjust 604800 for more or less time.
inc %i
hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
; resave the table
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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No Joy,
* Invalid format: $+ (line 176,script.mrc) * Invalid format: $+ (line 167, script.mrc) * /hadd: no such table 'lastnicks' (line 176, Added.si2) * Invalid format: $+ (line 167, script.mrc)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Hum sorry, on *^:join:#:{
var %i = 1,%a,%b = $gettok($hget(lastnicks,$site),1,32)
while $ialchan($1,$2,%i).nick { %a = %a $v1 | inc %i }
; %a is set all nicks from $site
if %b && $v1 != $nick { %b = [Last Nick: $v1 $+ ] } | else var %b
; if <lastnick> is the current nick it will not be shown
if $remtok(%a,$nick,32) { %a = [Clones: $v1 $+ ] } | else var %a
; check if there are any clones to display
[color:blue] echo -tic join # · · Joins $nick $+([,$address,][color:red])[/color] %a %b[/color]
hadd -m lastnicks $site $nick $ctime
; update hash table
.timerlastnick 1 3 hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
; save hash table, timer so it isn't saved multiple times if multiple joins
on *:nick:{
; Update hash table
[color:blue] hadd [color:red]-m[/color] lastnicks $site $newnick $ctime[/color]
on *:disconnect:{
hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
on *:start:{
hmake lastnicks 10
; Makes table
if $isfile(lastnicks.hsh) { hload lastnicks lastnicks.hsh }
; loads table entries
var %i = 1,%a
while $hget(lastnicks,%i).item {
; loop all entries
%a = $v1
if $gettok($hget(lastnicks,%a),2,32) < $calc($ctime - 604800) { hdel lastnicks %a }
; delete entries not used for more than one week - adjust 604800 for more or less time.
inc %i
hsave lastnicks lastnicks.hsh
; resave the table
} BTW: - * Invalid format: $+ (line 176,script.mrc)
* Invalid format: $+ (line 167, script.mrc) * /hadd: no such table 'lastnicks' (line 176, Added.si2) * Invalid format: $+ (line 167, script.mrc)
There is no line with both a "$+" and "hadd" in it 
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This will only show when you select a nick that has clones in the channel. menu nicklist {
$iif(!$ialchan($address($$1,2),#,2),$style(2)) Clones ( $+ $ialchan($address($1,2),#,0) $+ ) :{
var %i = 1,%a
while $ialchan($address($1,2),#,%i).nick { %a = %a $v1 | inc %i }
echo -eatic Info Clones from: $address($1,2) $+ : %a
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Well the errors have gone, but nothing happens, i have pasted them into a Fresh .mrc file and saved all info, i then exited my IRC client, but on a new user joining, there was nothing, not a sausage  Any ideas
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You replied to the post about scanning from nicklist, I assume tho that you did add the other code and not the nicklist code  This is what it displays for me. Addresses removed... - · · Joins monique [XX@--.--.--.---]
· · Joins hoop [XX@--.--.--.com]
I don't have timestamping enabled, so no timestamp, the users had no previous nicks, nor clones.  Edit:Uh actually here is another line to replace while $ialchan($wildsite,#,%i).nick { %a = %a $v1 | inc %i } Edit: A join with a clone and a prior nick - · · Joins nick [~XX@] [Clones: nic8] [Last Nick: hi18]
Last edited by Iori; 27/02/05 07:28 AM.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Would the server that i am using effect it?
I even installed a fresh mIRC client and made a new .mrc file with the new code and when a new user joins there is just the std joins: blah [blah@23423.co.uk]
Nothing about clones, and this user had clones within the channel
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Is "/remote on" BTW: I made it so that it doesn't mention clones if there aren't any, same for prior nicks  See the edit in my last post.
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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That is as far as i gets, but so far we are making slight progress
· · Joins Skeletal [Blah@sg-63656.ntl.com] [Last Nick: Beta]
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Right!!! thanks a million, it works lovely