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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Mirc is the devil, It is ugly, bland.. horrible.. such ugliness tends to make the person using it act in a rather ugly way. Only in mirc will you see all kinds of abuse, crap, -edit-, bitter ppl and stupidity. Not to mentin all the other crap MP3 downloading and movie ripping WAREZ channels which TOTALLY IN MY OPINION RUINS IT! (cos most decent people want to chat) Mirc is obviously not for chatting, and it is definetely not for higher class individuals among our society, it is for the lowest forms of lifei, just a software for people who do all kinds of illegal crap,and practice in immoral acts, HECK mirc can turn even the nicest guy into a devil!! Cos mirc is evil and will corrupt youl to with its ugly, bland, Win 3.1 bitter look.. Its a known fact that being associated with an ugly, bitter looking bland object, that person also inherits the behavior through prolonged interaction with the object. Look at MSN chat, colorfull, fun, cheery.. you see any immoral acts being done there, sure you see the occasional "HI im a SINGLE GUY looking for sex" but at least its not as downright twisted as the [censored] u see in mirc. heck and thats when PPL ACTUALLY TALK IN MIRC, in mirc there can be channels of 300 ppl and no one talks!!!!! Mainly cos people mostly use it to download stuff!! Mirc has got to become colorfull, cheery.. have profiles for god sake!!.. get rid of illegal channels like movie ripping, software downloading.. GIVE individual font looks for each person (however he wants it)..make it freindly looking not a place to turn someone into a god damn monster. I HAVE SEEN MIRC in 2001, and NOTHING HAS CHANGED, IT STILL IS THE THE SAME PEICE OF CRAP.. WTF. in 4 years all KHALED has done is make the status bar where msgs come locked to the top (which has made it even more crap, now messages fill up u cant see whos who) 4 years just for a damn status bar lock, -edit- MSN CHAT kills mirc and is freindly, upbeat, fun and the place for higher class moral citizens, mirc is for EVIL people.. MIRC has to change its EVIL bitter look.. ITS GOD DAMN UGLY! And again, Khaled, 4 years for a locked status bar, nice one. [i]Moderator note: Your opinion is of great important to Khaled undoubtedly, however, please express it the right way whilst using these boards or do not post. Thanks. Oh, and please see www.mirc.co.uk/versions.txt for some further information on his work in the past 4 years.
Last edited by Mentality; 20/10/04 07:57 PM.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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That was the funniest thing I've read all day.
[edit] I figured I should add a serious reply after rereading your post.
Firstly, are you aware that the mIRC UI is customizable? If you want more color, add a bitmap file to the background of the toolbar/switchbar. Change the theme's default colors or completely code a new theme from scratch. There are a lot of things you can do or at least try before you should start complaining about how it looks.
Secondly, what people do with mIRC after it's downloaded is not Khaled's fault. mIRC doesn't take resposibility for what happens on <insert IRC server here>. As for saying that the MSN chatrooms are cleaner, etc., wasn't it MSN who shut down their servers because of the excessive abuse? [/edit]
Last edited by Seifer; 20/10/04 06:06 AM.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I agree with Seifer on the funny part, thanks for making my day a good one!  You need to understand that mIRC is not the same as IRC, you refer to mIRC as channels and things, but mIRC is actually a client which you can use to connect to IRC servers and join those channels with. mIRC, and thus Khaled, has absolutely no power over those servers and channels, and what happens on them. It just happens that people can share illegal files through DCC, but hell people do the same with MSN, and all other chat software which can share files, mIRC inc. does not condone these acts, but it happens anyway, live with it. As seifer said, mIRC's UI can be changed. The switchbar (I think that's with statusbar) is NOT locked to any side, but since mIRC version 6.1 you need to grab it by it's "handle" (or whatever you call that) to drag it to another side.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yeah IRC does have some pretty useless people on it, and mIRC being by the most popular client attracts the majority of those people. The place where our opinions differ is that I consider you to be one of those people. Arrogant, self-rightous, and downright rude, it's people like you who make chatting less enjoyable for others. Those who want to talk about sex go to their own channels and can do that; those who fileshare go to their own channels and networks and don't affect anyone else. The only people who create a negative aspect for the chatting masses are trolls like yourself.
Don't like mIRC? Use another client. Or better yet, make one yourself since I'm sure all the others aren't up to the standard of the 'higher class individuals among our society' such as yourself. I'm sure it wouldn't be any trouble for you, you're not a *lazy* person like Khaled are you?
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and stupid comments are intentional.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Look at MSN chat, colorfull, fun, cheery.. you see any immoral acts being done there, sure you see the occasional "HI im a SINGLE GUY looking for sex" but at least its not as downright twisted as the [censored] u see in mirc. heck and thats when PPL ACTUALLY TALK IN MIRC, in mirc there can be channels of 300 ppl and no one talks!!!!! Mainly cos people mostly use it to download stuff!!
i don't know but i have seen at least 2 msn logs where your theory goes to the ground, to bad they are in Portuguese  . Mirc is obviously not for chatting, and it is definetely not for higher class individuals among our society, it is for the lowest forms of lifei, just a software for people who do all kinds of illegal crap,and practice in immoral acts, HECK mirc can turn even the nicest guy into a devil!! Mirc is for chatting (just go to a irc server and check a channel), but thank god (in this case Khaled) we can do some more things with it like scripting! WWWEEEE
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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warez are like smoking, it makes you cool
im being serious
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Be it on computers or IRL, people display their true nature. Actually, its far easier online to avoid the kind of people/behavior that annoy you than it is IRL. Too bad there arent IRL scripts or delete buttons that ignore the less than pleasant results of the gene pool.
ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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MSN Chat all that? Naaaah. More like porn peddling bots and disgruntled 14 year olds all drunk on a stale beer cap talking about how miserable their life is because of their curfew...
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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the guy who posted the first post loves MIRC actually...he just wont admit it.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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In my opinion, MSN webchat is poor. As for no abuse on MSN, I used to get spammed by about 3-4 bots when I joined my regular channel, and people using mIRC on msn used to flood webchat users off the server in seconds. MSN closed down in many countries because of abuse.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Cos mirc is evil and will corrupt youl to with its ugly, bland, Win 3.1 bitter look..
Only Win 3.1 looks like Win 3.1. When I run mIRC in Win XP it takes the interface of that operating system and looking at mIRC in both side by side will make you understand quite quickly that the two look nothing alike.
The other thing is, and please excuse me if someone has already mentioned this as I only took a quick glance at the replies to your insane post due to the fact that common sense will dictate that all would be in stark contrast to yours, mIRC is just a chat programme - ie: an interface which displays information send to and from an IRC server. The other thing is, MSN's chat failed because it was not adequately supervised and their rules were not easy to enforce.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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Hee, hee, hee!! I am not usually one to write in forums, nor blast people for idiotic dribble, but after reading this post (quite accidentally, by the way....), I felt inclined to view my opinion on the matter. Mirc is obviously not for chatting, and it is definetely not for higher class individuals among our society, it is for the lowest forms of lifei, just a software for people who do all kinds of illegal crap,and practice in immoral acts, HECK mirc can turn even the nicest guy into a devil!! Obviously a noobie to mIRC. I have been using mIRC for many a year and I will be the first to say that it is not perfect. There are people (and usually those like the idiot who placed the original post.....) that do ruin the experience for others. However, during my time on mIRC, I have chatted with Police Officers, Lawyers and even Bankers within the chat rooms. How much "Higher Class" do you want? Members of the British Royal Family???? Sir Richard Branson??? Its a known fact that being associated with an ugly, bitter looking bland object, that person also inherits the behavior through prolonged interaction with the object. Yes, transfer of warez and other illegal content is against the law. So is taking drugs (which obviously played a great part in the construction of this posting), you know........ Look at MSN chat, colorfull, fun, cheery.. And, as previously mentioned, has been shut down in many countries through abuse by those using the service. How long has mIRC been running? Compare that to how long MSN Chat ran for. I rest my case...... Mirc has got to become colorfull, cheery.. have profiles for god sake!!.. get rid of illegal channels like movie ripping, software downloading.. GIVE individual font looks for each person (however he wants it)..make it freindly looking not a place to turn someone into a god damn monster. Again, as previosly stated, mIRC is a CLIENT (look this up in a dictionary if you are struggling to understand this term...). The Client software hosts the Servers and channels run by individuals through server programs, which link in to mIRC - not hosted by mIRC. There is a big difference. In 4 years all KHALED has done is make the status bar where msgs come locked to the top At least Khaled has done something. When was the last time you produced a script that has become reknown worldwide? Your posting is now becoming picky and because you are running out of dribble to spurt out about the program itself, you have to start having a pop at its creator. Get a life. In summary - if you don't like mIRC, don't use it, or is that too hard to figure out? As for the "higher class individuals among our society", which you do not obviously belong, due to the simple fact that my pet dog has a cleaner mouth than you, they can also make the choice whether to use the program or not. Next time you make a posting to drag someone and their life's work down to your level, do a bit of research first and gather the facts, you never know, you might actually learn something and even become slightly intelligent.
Last edited by titch98; 23/10/04 10:39 AM.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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-Post edited out-
Moderator Note: I did edit the offensive/rude bits of this post at first and it ended up not making much sense so I've removed it all.
Last edited by Mentality; 24/10/04 02:43 PM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You seem to have the inability to convey your opinion in an acceptable manner. This forum requires all people to be respectful and courteous to all, which isn't much to ask. Shouting, swearing and ranting is not the way we do things here.
If you do not like mIRC, do not use it. In fact, if, as you said in your post that I edited, you get in more fights when you chat with mIRC because it takes over your soul like a demon, then it would actually be preferred if you didn't use it.
This thread is locked because you're just repeating yourself in the same rude manner. I strongly suggest you control yourself if you post in the future, there is nothing wrong with not liking mIRC, that's up to you, but if you continue to be outright abusive then you won't be allowed to post here.