Look at MSN chat, colorfull, fun, cheery.. you see any immoral acts being done there, sure you see the occasional "HI im a SINGLE GUY looking for sex" but at least its not as downright twisted as the [censored] u see in mirc. heck and thats when PPL ACTUALLY TALK IN MIRC, in mirc there can be channels of 300 ppl and no one talks!!!!! Mainly cos people mostly use it to download stuff!!
i don't know but i have seen at least 2 msn logs where your theory goes to the ground, to bad they are in Portuguese

Mirc is obviously not for chatting, and it is definetely not for higher class individuals among our society, it is for the lowest forms of lifei, just a software for people who do all kinds of illegal crap,and practice in immoral acts, HECK mirc can turn even the nicest guy into a devil!!
Mirc is for chatting (just go to a irc server and check a channel), but thank god (in this case Khaled) we can do some more things with it like scripting! WWWEEEE