I want that if a user does a ctcp sound request to me, the message is displayed in the origin window

There's no such thing as an "origin window" in the case of a /ctcp, unless if it's a ctcp to a channel.

So there are 2 cases. If someone does:

1) /ctcp #channel blabla --> the origin window is the #channel

2) /ctcp yournick blabla -> there is no origin window

The ctcp message goes wherever you told mirc to put it (alt+o -> IRC -> Show in Active), that being the status window, or the active window.

That's because you can do a ctcp to someone from wherever, being your status window, a channel, in pm, a custom window with editbox, etc. It doesn't come from "a window" but directly from the user, wherever he might be at the time.

Another example to illustrate: if you receive a ctcp from a person, there is no way for you to know where it came from (unless if it's a channel ctcp), so you can't know where to put it either.

Unless of course you are referring to something else with "origin" window...


Last edited by FiberOPtics; 20/09/04 09:52 PM.
