ok here's the specific example: I overrided the "accept sound request" options by scripting

I want that if a user does a ctcp sound request to me, the message is displayed in the origin window

take for example the case where sounds request are OFF, and the script has to display this message:

« [11:01] Joe is doing a SOUND but sound requests are OFF. Type /son to switch sound requests ON »

if I put my string this way (watch the bold text):

ctcp *:SOUND:*:{
if %requestsuoni == 1 {
if $chan != $null {
.echo -a $timestamp $nick $+ 11@ $+ $chan $+ : «11 $deltok($2,-1,46) »
.splay $2
halt }
else {
.echo -a $timestamp $nick $+ : «11 $deltok($2,-1,46) »
.splay $2
halt }
else echo $iif($target ischan,$v1,$nick) $timestamp $nick is e is doing a SOUND but sound requests are OFF. Type /son to switch sound requests ON

it always says the message on the status window if mirc has the focus. If mirc hasn't the focus, it says the message on the most recent active window. Like this it doesn't work frown