now its almost done (yay finnaly) just one thing remains, how to use your script to actual reply it to someone,

lets say someone says "!getfarm" I check he is registered, then

on *:TEXT:!getfarm:#:{
if ($hget(Darkhash,$address($nick,1)) != $null) {
window -h @@
var %a = 1, %b = $calc($2 + 1), %c
while $hget(DarkFarms,%a).item { aline @@ $v1 $hget(DarkFarms,%a).data | inc %a }
filter -wwtc %b 32 @@ @@ *
%a = 1
while $gettok($line(@@,%a),%b,32) <= $gettok($hget(Darkhash,$address($nick,1)), 2, 32)
{ msg $nick $line(@@,%a) | inc %a | inc %c }
if !%c { echo -a Im sorry, no farms found for you. }
window -c @@

else {
msg $nick You dont exist, Please register by downloading Tjirps farm script

this was all I could make of it. please tell me if im right or wrong and if im wrong what to correct

signatures own