

/mystats <table> will list the contents of the specified table
/mystats <category> <number> will list the items that have a value from the specified category, lower than the specified number.


Hash Table: stats
Item + data:

John 20 1000
Jane 35 800
Jake 80 2000
Janis 44 560

There are 2 categories, in our example the first column next to the nicks, and the second column.

/mystats stats 1 50 -> will list the nicks with a value lower than 50 based on category 1
/mystats stats 2 1000 -> will list the nicks with a value lower than 1000 based on category 2



 alias mystats {
  if $1 == $null { echo -a * You must specify a hash table. | return }
  if !$hget($1) { echo -a * This hash table doesn't exist. | return }
  if $2 == $null {
    echo -a Listing contents of hash table $1:
    var %a = 1
    while $hget($1,%a).item { echo -a $v1 -&gt; $hget($1,%a).data | inc %a }
  else {
    if !$3 { echo -a * You must specify a number to compare. | return }
    if $2 !isnum 1- $+ $numtok($hget($1,1).data,32) {
      echo -a * You must specify a category between $v2
    window -h @@
    var %a = 1, %b = $calc($2 + 1), %c
    while $hget($1,%a).item { aline @@ $v1 $hget($1,%a).data | inc %a }
    filter -wwtc %b 32 @@ @@ *
    echo -a Listing players - Category: $2 - Lower than: $3
    %a = 1
    while $gettok($line(@@,%a),%b,32) &lt;= $3 { echo -a $line(@@,%a) | inc %a | inc %c }
    if !%c { echo -a No players found. }
    window -c @@   

Hope you find this somewhat useful,


Last edited by FiberOPtics; 16/09/04 11:01 AM.
