he/she should not be getting verbally abused by some silly bot script (or at all for that matter).

Something being 'deserved' is neither here nor there. It's irrelevant. IRC is not a 'fair' place where everyone is treated properly. Whilst in real life you don't expect the police to kick you on the floor and then swear at you and say being with AOL is lame, IRC is not the real world, and the OPS (not 'cops') of channels can do that all they like - you have the option to leave the channel and never return.

I notice that there is a trend to reply with a this is how things are attitude. I thought this was "Feature Suggestions" not "Does Mirc Do This?...". I'm just putting ideas out there, and how things are is not applicable.

This is a feature suggestions board. And the fact you're taking the time to make threads is appreciated, however, when people on the board correct you or suggest things, or inform you of facts, that is to help YOU understand what YOU are talking about. It is not meant as flaming, nor is it meant to put your idea down. It looks to me however, as though you are confused as to the roll of mIRC on IRC and how the IRC world works. Above, you are being informed as to how it works - ops are not special users on IRC, they are specific to channels alone. They can do whatever they want in the channel, provided it complies with the IRC NETWORK'S rules. mIRC has nothing to do with these rules, nothing to do with these ops, their kick messages or their attitudes.

