if (- isin $nick(#,$opnick).pnick) { cline 10 # $opnick }
Here you color the nick if they are UOP

if ($opnick ishop #) { cline 11 # $opnick }
Here you color the nick again if they are Hop (so the UOP color wont show)

elseif ($opnick isvoice #) { cline 3 # $opnick }
Here you say that, if the person is not an Hop AND they are a voice, color the nick again.

else { cline 0 # $opnick }
If the nick is not an Hop, not a voice and not an UOP, color them white.

So, if they are UOP but also are +voice or %hop, the Uop color will be overwrited.

Another thing, the character - is very used in nickname, so i suggest you to replace this line: if (- isin $nick(#,$opnick).pnick) { cline 10 # $opnick } for this one:
if (- isin $remove($nick(#,$opnick).pnick,$opnick)) { cline 10 # $opnick }

Hope it works smile

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" -- John Lennon