Whether it is safe or not is neither here nor there. We are not going to make a special rule for siyavash just because his program has been checked by some people. It is unfair to all the other people who have either posted threads and had them edited in the past, or have held back from posting their program because they know it would be lame and against rules.

If siyavash wishes to distribute his program then he may submit it to any number of websites. People on this forum are more than aware of how to contact him. He is no longer welcome to this forum and the issue is not up for debate. As MIMP said in the last thread - posting is a privilege, not a right. He thoroughly abused that right, and has now lost it. We do not want nor need someone crusading on his behalf, he was given plenty of chances.

It would be appreciated if this topic was now dropped - siyavash was banned so that this nonsense would stop being brought up over and over again and I am now sick of hearing about him and his program. The topic has grown old and irrelevant.

Thank you smile

