Assuming /bs is an alias for "botspeak" and say and act are parameters specifying msg or action.
on ^*:text:@rules:#:{
  if !$istok(#mirc #genoro #add #more #chans #here #like #so,#,32) { return }
  bs act $nick --==:: The Rules  for # ::==--
  if (# == #genoro) {
    bs act $nick 1) No Ascii characters in char names!!!
    bs act $nick 2) No Begging!!
    bs act $nick 3) No Spamming skills in Prontera!
  elseif (# == #mirc) {
    bs act $nick 1) Dont Spam!!!
    bs act $nick 2) Dont use Color text!!
    bs act $nick 3) Dont Ghost other peoples Nicks!
    bs act $nick 4) DONT USE ALL CAPS! }