im kinda new to mIRC and im working on scripting for the channal i use. such as the basic @commands making the bot give a list of commands you can use.

( server is channal #GenoRO )

one of the commands id like to get working, is when people say @topic, to have the Topic show up. only way i can think of doing this would be using the /topic <channal name> command. but when i do

on ^*:text:@topic:#:{
set %char
if (# == #genoro) /bs say #genoro /topic #genoro }

it just shows the bot saying

* GenoROBot /topic #genoro

rather then the bot saying that and the Topic showing up. like i said, im new to mIRC scripting so i probably did somthing wrong. if so could you try to help me out?


--== There are 10 types of people in this world, Those who understand Binary and those who dont.