ok one other thing, ive got one script with it set up as.

on ^*:text:@rules:#:{
set %char
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro The Rules are:
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro --==:: In GenoRO ::==--
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 1) No Ascii characters in char names!!!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 2) No Begging!!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 3) No Spamming skills in Prontera!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro --==:: In mIRC ::==--
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 1) Dont Spam!!!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 2) Dont use Color text!!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 3) Dont Ghost other peoples Nicks!
if (# == #genoro) /bs act #genoro 4) DONT USE ALL CAPS! }

(probably more complecated then it needs to be)

is there a way to get th bot to PM the person that says @rules rather then the bot replying in the main chat?

Last edited by pif; 04/06/04 09:59 PM.

--== There are 10 types of people in this world, Those who understand Binary and those who dont.