Removing the fileserver won't have much of an impact on filesharing on IRC in terms of preventing people from doing it. Then again neither would removing DCC altogether - in fact there's nothing that mIRC can do that would stop people from filesharing if they want to. That's not supposed to be the point of removing the fileserver, the point is that it's annoying saying to someone "mIRC is a chat client, it's not for filesharing" when you know that they can come back and say "well why does it have a fileserver built-in?". Removing the fileserver is about explicitly making the point that there is nothing in mIRC with a primary use of mass filesharing.
Honestly I don't care much either way, I'm just explaining what the reasoning behind the 'pro-fserve-removal' argument is. Personally I've given up trying to explain to people what IRC is about. If someone on IRC asks me about filesharing I just kickban them right out. Not a particularly nice thing to do, but then I'm not a particularly nice person.