I never suggested removing DCC - quite the opposite, I agree with Khaled's point about file transfer being part of communication.

If you think it through, the "well people use XDCC more anyway" approach actually supports the idea that FSERV can be removed from mIRC...

Note that this is not about what is possible with scripts or using other methods - in fact my original post stated that I would EXPECT an increase in 3rd party scripts to do file sharing.

What this IS about is how mIRC, the program, is perceived. I would like mIRC to be perceived as a chat program, not as yet another file-sharing system. Removing FSERV would contribute to making that distinction.

(Incidentally, while you obviously didn't read my post, you evidently don't read the newspapers either - there have been several surveys indicating that legal action HAS caused a - slight? - decline in the number of people illegally distributing copyrighted material. Just a thought.)


IRCnet & DALnet @#travelersinn
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