You many not have... or you may have and unknowingly passed it along. I couldnt begin to count the number of ppl who have posted here and come into #mIRC who are infected and need time consuming help to clean their puters.
Granted, some are well aware of the risk they are taking and just dont care what happens to them or others, but many simply dont know the risks or about how trojans are spread or how to find if they have one. How many of the ppl who unknowingly have contributed to the current attacks on DALnet by becoming infected do you thing KNEW they were?

Trojans/virii are an enormous problem.
That website, along with many others, do a great service.
i'm not even going to get into the whole warez subject, but bragging about how much you steal doesnt impress me.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet