What you asking for help with is illegal. Just because you CAN do it doesnt mean you SHOULD. No, i am not judging what you or anyone else does, i'm just not going to help you do it grin

Downloading files from strangers is a great way to fill your puter with trojans/virii of all sorts which can do a lot of damage. i suggest reading this web page Clicking on urls that promise you access to *coff* movies can do the same and infect others, which in turn can effect countless others.

You can go to your local video store, get a movie inexpensively, take it home, watch it, return it and get another one and watch that one in prolly less time than it would take to sit on a queue and wait during a lengthy download.

Try using mIRC as the chat medium it was intended for..you'll find lots of interesting ppl to chat with.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet