Yes also keep in mind that if your friends ur downloading these programs are also as no caring as u are breaking the law ... passing virus and trojans .... that these ppl even if u do trust them will eventually become infected ...... not know it and then pass files and virus to a potential of hundreds of ppl ..... one person becomes infected passes it to four then those four pass it to 16 and so on and so fourth ..... im really wondering why anyone would dcc a movie when the time it takes to get it is as parabrat sad so much faster to go to the movie rental store and get the thing ...... hell by the time u actually get a possible working movie from these ppl and it not be riddled with viruses .... what are u gonna do with it .... watch it one time? after waiting days on end to get it? ..... pass it to others not caring if it has a virus ....... ok nm im going on and on about these potential hazards but PLEASE DONT dcc accept ANYTHING from ANYONE ....... heck id block an attempt from my own mother im that paranoid!!