*sighs* - Quite HOW you can find it in yourself to be so rude to people who try and help you is beyond me...

mIRC is a shareware program, you can use it for 30 days for FREE. The About dialog cannot be switched off, and will not stop appearing until you pay for mIRC - you're lucky Khaled doesn't make mIRC completely unusable if you don't register, at least you can still connect to IRC.

Anyway, if you don't like it, feel free to not use mIRC and go and find a good free client which has the same benefits and style as mIRC does smile - Oh, and when you do, please let me know what it's called, at this time I'm unable to find one in existence.

Thank you for throwing my attempted help back in my face smile

P.S. There is only a flashing red line in the about dialog BEFORE you connect or when you actually press the "About" button. There is no flashing red line after you connect (that is caused automatically), so you are wrong in what you are saying. Try CTRL+L.

P.P.S. mIRC IS a good program and once your money has been received, the About dialog goes away. The reason mIRC is so incredibly popular is because of it's excellence in comparison to other clients.


Last edited by Mentality; 01/05/04 01:44 PM.
