Using your POV of the matter, then why doesn't mIRC just create it's own entire life in the IRC world, where if you aren't using mIRC, then half of what you see from mIRC users is pure crap and unreadable because mIRC has all these wonderful features that no one else supports.

It's been my experience that [R] on mIRC is [I] on the other client you mentioned. Yeah I wouldn't mind having an [I]nverse, to be honest, just so long as others can see it as I meant for it to be seen. I think that other client simply made a mistake in what the code was meant to be used for (ie, maybe was said as being [I]nverse, and seeing the I made the idea of it being Italicized, only to be mistaken). Given the choice, I prefer [R]everse over [I]talics. But would be nice to have both. Just I think a friendly cooperative creation of new codes would create better support for the features and possibly even more features.

And I wouldn't call this an arguement.. Because great discussions sometimes yield great ideas - maybe Khaled will try to make use of this thread to set up new standards for the future and they might become widely used and supported, making IRC chats even more text oriented and text-playful smile