I have been meaning to post this message that i am about to say and i keep forgetting but now i remembered.

From your guys point of you, you may be lost so I need and will let you know the past experience has been with this HD as it may not be IRC related at this point in time.

Several months ago, it had Win2k Pro installed on it, fully operable running as a primary HD. At some point in time, it had gotten a virus, and then probably more than one as i remember. Being that i have a lot of Hds, i took it out and set it to slave and refused to access it at that time and ran another primary HD with win2k pro on it. I read that the virii on the infected drive could spread through a network w\o access. Well, before i took immediate action on this and before i even read that, i had a lot of music stored on this HD.

For some unknown cause, which if anyone of you would know why could resolve a big piece of my problem now, all of the music stored on the infected HD had "fragmented".

What i mean by that is, some songs would play half way through then the next 10 sec would be another part of a song in a totally different directory. Other songs had the wrong timeline and so on..
In other words, it's like formatting a HD then doin data recovery just to find out the recovered file is fragmented. Well, that is what happened to a lot of files at that time.

When i took immediate action, instead of fixing the virii, i just reformatted the whole drive to use as a storage drive. No more than 2-3 weeks later, everything started to get corrupted on it again, same type of fragmentation. I got mad like anyone else and re-partitioned it into 3 parts so the whole drive wouldnt get wiped again or as fast.

Now, partition 1 and 3 are beginning to reach the corruption phase constantly whereas partition 2 isnt at all.

Partition 1 and 3 are linked to IRC only....

Any ideas.....