well see, here is my situation-

I am running 2 pcs, 1 98 and 1 2000 pro.

They both have Norton Systemworks and Internet Security 2004 installed as well as Winternals Administrative Pak for Data Recovery\GetDataBack for NTFS\FAT32 and [email]Active@Partition[/email] for protection. That's how bad it irritates me.

Anyways, I have to accept some files such as pics, snapshots of people's pc a lot fo times to determine a problem tech-wise.

Well, in the DCC ingore part in preferences, i have chosen ACCEPT ONLY bmp, jpg, gif, tif, zip, rar, and mpg as sometimes i am sent some short clip videos for video editing as i do a little of that.

I have both pcs setup this way and have it set for auto-get for when i am not available at a specific time.

I just did set these settings after a loss last night. I figure by accepting only those, i should be fine?

It's weird because the Redlof virus is not a file, so it kinda freaks me out or maybe it is but deletes itself, i do not know honestly.

Oh and i never click links or accept anonymous files.
As a matter of fact, i rarely even bring up private messages, most of the time, i just close them w\o even seein what it says.